Chapter 7

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  Tori's POV
I woke up and got ready for school. I took a quick shower and put out my black skinny jeans and my 'okay? Okay.' shirt out to wear today. I brushed my teeth, and I blow dried my hair. I decided to put loose waves in my hair today instead of keeping it straight. I have to admit it did look really good.

  I put my clothes on and put my usual make up on and put a little extra to cover my black eye. I put my converse on and went downstairs. My dad was already drinking coffee and my mom was getting ready for work. I was waiting for Matt to get ready so we could go to school, also known as torture. "Good morning." My dad said. "Good Morning." I replied. Matt came down the stairs. We grabbed our backpacks and said bye while leaving.

   When we got to school I met up with Zoey. "Hey Tori, what happened yesterday?" She asked. "Long story short I got kicked and punched in the face by Nash." I said. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She said. "Don't be, it's not your fault anyways." I said. "So, I heard Cameron is going to be your partner." She said sounding a little annoyed. "Yeah, but he's coming to my house and Matt's going to check up on us every few minutes so I guess it'll be okay. I just hope I don't have to do this project alone." I said. "Well that's great. Meanwhile I'm with Austin and there's no way he's going to do the
project." She said. I chuckled. The bell ranged so that meant it was time for class. "Let's go." I said.

   The day was over and i had to walk with Cameron. He didn't say anything which was great because I wouldn't even know what to say. We both got in the car with Matt in the driver seat. We drove home in silence.

   We walked inside. Mom and dad were both watching tv. "Mom." I said. "Oh hey, who is this?" She asked. "This is Cameron. We have a project due next month." I said. "Well, have fun." She said turning back around to watch the tv. "I'll be checking up on you two." Matt whispered in my ear. I nodded and we went upstairs.

  Cameron pulled out his phone without saying anything. I got my books out of my backpack. I kept trying to get his attention and finally he put his phone down. "What?" He asked kind of rudely. "C-can we get started on the project?" I asked shyly. Matt poked his head in the room, I gave him a thumbs up and he left. "Why are you shy? I won't bite." He said moving closer to me. "I-I'm not." I said. "Are you sure about that?" He asked still moving closer. "Yeah." I said. I got up off of my bed and backed away while he walked closer and closer to me. I ended up being stopped by my wall. "Please don't hurt me." I begged. "Oh, I won't hurt you." He said with a smirk. He crashed his lips into mine roughly. I tried to move but he wouldn't let me. He started to suck on my neck. I tried my best not to give in because that's my weak spot. Tears started rolling down my cheeks while he kissed my neck. "Still not scared?" He asked in a whisper. "Leave me alone." I whispered. He kissed my lips slower this time but it still didn't feel right at all. I was still crying. Once he was kissing me slower I thought I could pull away from him, but I thought wrong.

  After a few minutes of crying and trying to get away from him, Matt came in. He was shocked at what Cameron was doing. He stopped a few seconds later and I ran behind Matt gripping his shirt. "Be ready for round two, Tori." He said with a smirk while he grabbed his things and left. I got from behind Matt and laid on my bed with my face in my pillow. I looked to see if Matt was there and he was. He closed the door and sat on my bed. I sat up, still crying from what happened. "Why would you let him kiss you?" He asked. "I tried to get away but when ever i did he would make it impossible." I said between my sobs. He sighed and pulled me into a long hug. "It's okay Tori." He said softly. I stopped crying because Matt always makes me feel better. I don't know how he do it but he does a pretty good job at it. After about 3 minutes of hugging, he pulled away. "Get some sleep, you've had a long day." He said. I gave him a small smile and he left. I put my pajamas on and immediately went to sleep.
This isn't a long chapter but I'll write more. Sorry if it's crappy.

Bullied by: Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now