Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2. To be notified of new chapters please follow me. I will also pick followers and dedicate a chapter to them.


 Matthew's POV-

   I woke up sweating. It was eight am in the summer time and I was awake.

   My bed was drenched in sweat and embarrassingly, urine. I can't remember the dream but I know it must have been horrible. Im glad I don't remember.

  I slowly crept out of bed and walked to the bathroom taking fresh clothes with me. I quickly showered then dressed and ran back to my room to strip my bed. When I got there Dj was already stripping my bed. I was four shades of red and on the verge of tears. I was such a baby. I cry and wet myself. He stopped and saw me trying not to cry and walked over giving me a hug and rub on the back.

"Hey its ok. Everybody wets the bed, theres nothing to be ashamed of" He spoke softly and soothed me. I stopped crying and he pulled back giving me a small smile.

 He grabbed my sheets and blankets and tossed them in the hamper. Tossing my pillows he sprayed the soiled mattress with disinfectant and flipped the mattress over. I took the pillowcase off and threw the sweat covered pillowcase in the hamper.

  I walked to the linen closet and we reset my bed together. He grabbed the hamper and walked toward the laundry room.

"Matthew, please come and tell me if this happens again. Its just that this could be a medical problem and its nothing to be ashamed of. Ok?" He asked

"Ok. Thanks for not making fun of me" I blushed and he smiled then nodded. He walked down the hall and in a few minutes the washer was on and running.

 I was glad he was my guardian. Sometimes I even pretended he was my father. I would pretend I had no mother, which was true. My mother disowned me as a psycho. Dj talks to them every once in a while but usual ignores them as they tell him Im bringing him down.

 I grabbed Meeko who fell on the floor as we changed the sheets and placed him back in the center of my bed between my two pillows.

  After making sure my bed was right I went to my jewlery box and pulled out my promise ring. I put it back on and hid my badly bruised wrist with a sweat band.

Hannah Montana played through the silence.

"Hey" I said answering the phone

"Hi babe sorry I cut our conversation short the other day, one of the campers had heat sroke and we were all pulled away so the paramedics could have room."

"Thats fine. So how was training?" I asked changing the subject from the poor bastard who didn't think of going swimming in 80 degree weather instead of running laps.

"Its brutal. the only thing that makes me keep going is the thought that I get to show off some new moves to my boyfriend" He chuckled. I laughed

"Ooh im jealous" I teased

"You should be. Hes a hot little thing and has a great mouth, perfect for sucking in the school ba-"

"Trey!" I cut him off blushing. I heard him give a loud laugh.

"Ok, ok. Im just playing. So hows your summer going so far?"

 I went cold. He knew that Daniel was my new neighbor, of course he did. He was my boyfriend. But I wouldn't tell him about the rape. Or my addiction to getting high.

"Its pretty boring. The town still doesn't seem to stop talking blatanly in front of me."

 I heard him growl

Life of a Highschool Liar(boyxboy) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now