Chapter 8

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Hey so some day...(just not today) im gonna go back a edit my stories thoroughly. and if you havent read my other book Sibling Secrets its just starting to get intense. Its about a teen male who is a psychopath with an FBI brother.....



Trey's POV-

  I checked my phone for the third time in the last fifteen minutes and sure enough there was another text from Tyler Shane. My "friend" as Matthew called him.

 I mean really we just went out on one date and he won't stop blowing up my phone. This kid has some serious issues in the head or maybe hes just horny...I don't know and I don't care to know.

 I really wish I had the balls to call Matthew and just apologize for making him think I didn't need him, but the fact he was dating made me stop and hate him.

"Trey! Theres a package for you!" My dad called to me from downstairs.

 I pushed away from my desk leaving my phone and its constant text notifications.

 I ran down the stairs and landed on the bottom with a loud thump. My dad just gave me a hard look and handed me the envelope. The postage was from New York.

 My heart pounded as I tore open the letter. Something fell to the floor and I froze as I bent down to pick it up. My throat had a lump in it as I slowly opened the note and read.

 Tears clouded my eyes as I only got half way through. I let the note fall to the ground and ran up to my room ignoring my dads calls to me. I pushed open my door and flopped on my bed and started crying holding the ring to me.

 I couldn't believe we were really over.

"Trey?" A soft whisper floated through my room over my sobs

"Go 'way" I muttered burying my face into my pillow.

  That didn't matter as my dad moved to me and sat on the edge of my bed. He slowly stroked my hair and shushed me. It took a while but my sobs slowly subsidded and when they did my dad sat me up.

 In his hand was the note.

"Im sorry son. I never wanted you to get hurt, but you have to move on. If you two are meant to be then you'll end up together someday" He said grabbing tissues and wiping my face.

 I didn't respond verbally. I just nodded and sucked it up. He was right.

 I needed to move on.

"Thanks daddy" I said calming myself down. He smiled and kissed my head and left the room.

Moving on.

 I said to myself as I responded to Tyler's text messages. I didn't really like the kid but maybe I was just being to critical.

  I just needed to move on already.

Matthew's POV-

  Dating Aiden was like marrying into celeb-status. Everything we did seemed to matter, especially to the New York bloggers. Ever since our relationship had become official totally random people would run up to me and ask questions to post.

  I was terrified with all their digging on me they'd find Ryan. Even though the FBI assured me everything had been taken down, there were still people who were desperate to get their fifteen minutes of fame.

  Aiden just shrugged them off and said it happens. But I found he became very protective of me in the first couple days we were official.

 When a reporter asked about my type of guy and if I was a gold digger Aiden got right in his face and cussed him out then threatened to hurt him. Of course I was happy he cared for me but it wasn't all sweet.

Life of a Highschool Liar(boyxboy) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now