Chapter 22

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This is the end... im so sad to see my boys go, but it's all good. like I said many, many times.

There will be four books! The next book will be called... Life of a College Boy.


Matthew's POV-

I smiled as I set the last box in the living room. We had finally unpacked and settled back into my home. The only home that I knew.

I went back into my room and did a quick look over. I had repainted my room to a light shade of blue, pictures and band poster went on the walls. I had the floors re-done. Everything that reminded me of the bad things, I got rid of.

I grinned and wanted to jump up and down in glee. I was home.

"Matthew, come down here please!" Dario called.

I ran down the hall to the stairs and walked down. I finally got to the bottom and looked up to the door. There stood Kyle, Caleb, and Trey. I smiled and walked to them.

"Hi guys!" I said as I waved.

"Matty! Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!" Kyle yelled as he ran to me and jumped in my arms. I pushed him away and frowned as I looked at him. He gasped and slapped me

"Ow!" I yelped as I rubbed my cheek

"I've never!" Kyle gasped

"I was looking at your arm!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. That. I fell down a dirt hill while fishing with my brother and dad." Kyle said plainly.

I turned and looked at Caleb suspiciously. He avoided my gaze but I could swear he had a little smile on his face.

"C'mon! Let's get down and dirty!" Kyle yelled as he dragged me outside.

We all laughed and wrestled in the dirt. Trey grabbed the hose and turned it on. He started spraying us as we took cover and played war. When we got tired of running the suggestion of ninja came up.

Once it was brought up we immediately got into a circle and struck poses. We started to play ninja. Kyle naturally was the first one out. I was cheated out and lost the second round. Trey and Caleb was super competitive and played for over ten minutes.

"I'm bored!" I complained

"Me too! Lets start over so we all can play!" Kyle yelled

"In a minute!" Trey and Caleb yelled in unison.

 Kyle and I looked at each other and walked inside. We went into the kitchen and started digging through the refrigerator. There wasn't much but Dario went shopping for groceries.

"All thats in here is cheese, bread, and butter. What are we going to do! We're going to starve and they're going to find our bodies in various poses!" Kyle exaggerated.

I rolled my eyes and started digging around for a pan, a pot, and a can of tomato soup. When I found my utensils I started to get down to business.

"I want to help with whatever your doing!" Kyle yelled as he started grabbing things from me.

 He was trying to figure out what the pots and bread was for. I snickered and thought 'This poor deprived boy'.

"Here. Shed these cheese from their wraps" I handed him some cheese.

"Okie dokie!" Kyle said as he started taking off the wrappers.

 I started to get the pot of soup ready when Kyle tapped my head. Who does that? I turned to him and he showed me he had opened all of the cheese. I pointed to the bread and told Kyle to butter the bread.

Life of a Highschool Liar(boyxboy) *Book 2*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant