Chapter 6

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 Hey y'all...I seriously hate being 17...y'know why? Because I keep hearing "You have to be 18 to work here"... I want to scream!

Thats Aiden Carter p.s. ------>

 Anyways, here's a new chapter!


Matthew's POV-

 I slowly got out of the car and stood there looking at everybody. I was shaking and I could feel my tummy was warm and my heart was beating fast. I looked one last time at Dj as he waved and went around the statue in the middle of the front entrance. He was in a line of cars driving away from school.

  I sighed and started slowly walking to the school. I looked around and saw everybody knew someone. I was alone and wasn't sure where any of my classes were. Even with the school map I got lost in the crowd of boys. I even saw a group of freshman who knew their way around.

  I decided to just lean against a locker and wait out the crowd. I looked at my schedule and saw my locker number and combination on it. I looked around and looked at the locker numbers. My locker wasn't far from here so I walked down the rows of lockers.

 I found mine and started twisting and turning the dial. When I felt a click it opened. Inside was a very expensive set up.

  The locker had a coat hanger, with three shelves, a cubby, and built in pockets on the door. The school crest of course hung on the door in the center with the words

 Honor, Respect, Loyalty, Solidarity, Obedience.

  I nodded at the sign and hung up my over coat. As I was putting my books and lunch away the bell rang and everybody literally started running and laughing. I was confused so I just kept minding my own business and took the time to look over my schedule.

  I closed my locker and turned around. I yelped and jumped making my back slam into the locker.

 A man with a stone cold face was staring at me. He didn't speak, he just waved his hand and motioned me to follow. I did follow but I was scared. I kept thinking back to that movie 'Matilda' and the chokie coffin.

  He just walked me to my class and gave me a warning slip with a chore listed on it. For being late I was given the task of cleaning the classroom I was late for.

  I went in with a bashful smile to the teacher and handed him my note. He nodded and told me I would clean after school. I nodded and followed his seating chart. I was in the middle of class. Everyone was silent while the teacher finished his attendance sheet.

  When he finished the television in the corner of the room turned on to show (who I am assuming) the principal. The teacher motioned for us to stand with a wave of his hand. We all stood simultaneously and put out right hands over our hearts.

 The pledge started.

 Everybody was in sync, which I found creepy. It was like we were in a fire nation school from Avatar.

 When the pledge ended we all sat.

"Take out your laptops and type exactly what I say" The teacher said.

 We all took three minutes to get everything set up. As we started typing a beeping went off in the classroom. The teacher slapped him ruler on his desk and everybody silenced. I was terrified when I figured out  it was my phone. A text message.

 The beeping continued and people started to look at me smiling and chuckling. The teacher slowly walked over to me and held out his hand. I gave him my phone and he actually started to read me message.

Life of a Highschool Liar(boyxboy) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now