Chapter 9

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Matthew's POV-

 I woke up with my lashes sticking together. I guess thats what happens when you cry yourself to sleep. I really didn't want to get out of my warm, cozy, SAFE bed. I didn't want to have to walk down the halls and pretend everything was alright. It wasn't.

 I didn't want to face Aiden.

 I didn't want to see that look on his face. The look that showed me he wasn't normal. He had issues and I didn't want to be in another abusive relationship. I didn't want to do as I was told and I definately didn't want to die.

"Hey you awake?" Dario came in after knocking softly.

"Yeah" I sighed and stretched

"Ok just checking. Hey how was that party last night?"

I froze and thought about my answer before speaking

"It was great" I added with a fake smile.

"Thats good. Well get a move on and come out for some breakfast" He added as he shut the door.

  I slowly got up and whimpered as a sharp pain shot through my body. I walked to the closet and grabbed my clothes and and towel and headed into the bathroom for a calm hot shower.

  While I was in the shower I scrubbed my body really hard. So hard I started to bleed. I felt dirty and I still feel dirty. I needed to get him off of me.

"Matthew? You ok in there?" Dario asked outside the bathroom door

"Yeah. Im just finishing up" I replied putting the bloody washcloth down.

"Ok just checking"

  I watched the pink water go down the dark drain. Slowly the pink turned normal and I new my body stopped bleeding.

 I got out and dried off with the big fluffy towel. I didn't look in the mirror. I didn't want to see what he'd done to me. I didn't want to see the ghost of the boy who not so long ago was happy. I knew I would see myself when I was with Kt.

  I grabbed my clothes and quickly covered every part of my body with my uniform. Forgoeing my blazer I put on my grey knitted sweater with the school emblem on the left pec.

  I only wiped enough steam from the mirror to see my hair. I carefully combed my hair into a respectable style so as to not get in trouble with the teachers.

  I took some ibuprofin for the slight ache pounding through my body. I then grabbed some concealer and put it over my bruises and redness forming from last night.

  I opened the door and let out all the steam rush from the humidity into the fresh cool air. A slight shiver ran through my body as the cold rushed to my face.

I walked to my bedroom and grabbed all my books and put them into my book bag then walked down the hall to the dining room where breakfast was laid out on the table. I grabbed some waffles and sat down at the table while Dario poured me some orange juice. He had eggs on top of waffles drizzled with syrup. Bacon on the side with ham and Milk to wash it all down.

"That is a stroke waiting to happen" I commented. He just shrugged and replied

"If I go, I wanna go well fed"

 I rolled my eyes and sipped my juice. We only had thirty minutes to eat  but he shovled his food down.

   I was begging the clock to slow down. No matter how much I dragged my butt the time kept turning. When Dario started calling for me I slowly shuffled my feet against the carpet heading out the door.

Life of a Highschool Liar(boyxboy) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now