Chapter 21

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Hello! So this is almost the end of the book! Only one more chapter left!!!!! well actually the next will just be an epilogue!

and yes, the characters changed because.......wait for it....... People change.

P.s. if you didn't get your dedications and would like too....well you better hurry because only two more chapters.....


Matthew's POV-

The sweat once again rolled down my face. I was literally shaking, the world around seemed surreal. I lifted my arm up for the tenth time reaching for the door knob. I couldn't grasp it, I couldn't open the door.

"I can't do it" I sighed

"I'll do it for you" Dario growled as he pushed past me and barged in through the door.

I rushed to keep up with him but it seemed every step I took he was five ahead of me. We rushed through the ballroom and looked for a brown haired, tanned skinned, and perfect toothed boy.

"Carter!" Dario yelled across the room to Aiden and the two other people he was with. One of which was his father.

Aiden turned around and looked up. When he saw Dario he rolled his eyes and blatantly ignored Dario.

That just seemed to piss off Dario. Before Dario could even start yelling papa Carter stepped in.

"Ah, Dario Johnson...What do you want?" Mr. Carter asked

"Matthew isn't going to marry your...son" Dario said as he almost spat out a curse word

"We've been over this so many times" Mr. Carter sighed "We payed for his surgery, which by the way cost a lot of money, so now he is going to marry my son or else we will have to take this to court."

"You can't do that! Can he, D?" I asked

"Yes, he can!" Aiden yelled as he shooed away the wedding planner

The planner scurried away as Aiden stalked up to me. Dario moved in front of me to block Aiden's warpath.

"If you can make up 1.5 million dollars for every gift I've given you then maybe i'll call this wedding off" Aiden said as he scowled at me "Until then. I own you bitch"

"We'll find a way out of this, why not just call it quits before your image gets severely damaged" Dario spat and grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out


"What do you mean you can't help us!" Dario yelled on the phone at yet another lawyer

"Yeah well, thanks for nothing!" He said as he hung up

I looked up at Dario who sighed and put his head in his hands. A bottle of beer next to the phone on the table. Poor Dario hadn't gotten any sleep since we got back home four hours ago. It was way past midnight.

"Dario" I whispered

"Don't worry little brother, I won't let him have you" Dario said as he sighed and rubbed his neck. He popped some cricks in his neck.

I mulled over what to say and what to do. Nothing seemed to be able to help the situation. Every argument I created to fight against Aiden and his lawyers seemed to just be able to twist into something else.

I wondered if I would even be able to win this fight. Aiden had me by the balls and he was flaunting it around by rubbing it in everyone's face.

I needed some dirt to make the Carter's crack at their foundation. I needed something big to shake them to their core. Anything...

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