Chapter 17

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Ok so everybody has been riding me to So here's an update


Matthew's POV-

My head was throbbing. All of the talk about marriage and how my disgusting face would be fixed was making me hold my breath which made me get a pounding headache.

The doctors were talking fast and making a lot of gestures and notes while touching and examining my face. They were conversing with each other, probably making a plan for my surgery.

My throat was hurting. Not internal pain but just plain pain. Aiden choked me after I said I was having second thoughts. He dragged me by my bicep into a closet and choked me while whispering harshly that I was his and he could do as he pleased with me.

My whole life i've asked myself what i've done to deserve this pain and torment. I finally just decided that I brought this upon myself.

If I had been the perfect son, my dad wouldn't have tried to kill me. If I had listened to Kt he wouldn't despise me for ratting him out. If I had been faithful to Trey he would still love me. If I hadn't teased Aiden he would maybe, possibly, love me.

I could only blame myself. I was the one who made my destiny. I've made my bed, now I must lay in it.

Finally after half an hour of chatter and arguments, they had come to an agreement. They shook hands.

"First we'll fix the eye after we get a doner. Then slowly ease into the process of fixing the scars."

The doctors talked to the Carter's and they finally wrote the check. I decided not to fight. There was no stopping it.

"We start searching for a doner tomorrow" One of the doctors said. We all agreed.

I realised this was my chance. I had to make Aiden not want to marry me. If I did accomplish, and that was a long way, I would be free.


By lunch I had put my plan into action. I slowly eased the plan in the day. It happened when Aiden was on his phone texting a clothing designer about our tuxedos. I knew this would get me into trouble and probably make Aiden hit me but I had to do it.

"Seriously! You're on the phone while I'm trying to have quality time with you?" I yelled making a scene in the restaurant. Aiden was pissed but trying to hold back and maintain his image.

"Matthew!" he yelled, then lower he said "please compose yourself dear. We are in public and by the way that text was for our wedding" he forced a smile

"Keep texting on our date and you won't need to worry about our wedding" I said snottily.

A flash of a camera was taken. Aiden forced a smile for the crowd and leaned in to me.

"Bathroom. Now."

He pulled me from my seat and dragged me to the bathroom. The sound of chatter started back up when we got half way to the restroom. Aiden pushed me through the swinging door and quickly walked in and turned around to lock it.

Before I could even muster a whimper his fist was in my stomach. After he hauled his fist away he got ready for the second hit while I sucked in air.

The next punch was unfortunately enough to knock me on my butt. I gasped for air as his blow to my chest knocked the wind out of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Causing a scene and embarrassing me like that! You are so selfish! I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?" he yell/whispered

"You only give me bruises" I whispered back

"I bought you jewelry, clothes, hair cuts, and I even bought you a fucking car! You ungreatful little bitch! You owe me! I bought you!" he yelled back and slapped me across the face

"You bought me?! I am not a whore!" I yelled back and pushed him off of me. I stood up defiantly.

"Oh yes you are. I know who you really are, Ryan." he spat out.

I shut my mouth and backed up. He scowled and slowly stalked to me. I was back against the wall when he leaned into me

"You. Are. Mine. And if you know what is good for you then you will do as I say and your secret will remain buried." he growled in my ear

I didn't talk. I stood there with my mouth open and watched him walk up to the mirror and straighten his collar and jacket cuffs.

"Let's go" he said.

I obeyed. There was no more fight. He had won. I would just have to get use to the sound of Matthew Carter. The husband of a businessman with a net worth of 10.2 million and growing.

It's official. I am a whore. A bimbo to be doted on.

In fact Mr.Carter even said to me that there was no need to learn. I just had to be pretty and become a home maker. He said that I was already halfway there when I asked what fanciful meant. It took me a while to figure out he insulted me.

I was trapped. There was only one way out.

One way out.


Hopefully this can tide Y'all over until I can get back into the swing of things. More to come.

Life of a Highschool Liar(boyxboy) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now