The Boredom

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Eugene POV
Anna and I entered the class. I nodded my head when she asked me if I was ready.

"I'm so proud! My little baby is growing up." She smiled with a hint of fake crying.

"I'm older than you!" I laughed. She giggled and entered the room sitting next to Elsa. She left a spot open beside Punzie. I walked over and sat down and smiled at her.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Oh hey what's up?" She said.

"Well class is about to start." I smirked and she giggled a bit.

Make her laugh-check

History Boring! The teacher Sandy just showed us videos because the symbols weren't very affective. For our first day it was about the dark days.

It talked about their number 1 enemy Pitch Black. Almost every time they said his name I thought they were saying the B word. It cracked me up every time but I just got stares from my classmates. I looked around and my eyes stopped on Jack. His hand was balling into a fist. I turned back to the video.

A jump scare happened and huge gust of wind blew the window open and made a huge mess of papers. Jack asked to be excused and Sandy let him. Sandy looked around the room to make sure we would be okay then crept out of the room.

"Hey Punzie. " I said.

"Shh! Pay attention." She elbowed me but I could see a huge smile forming on her face. She totally likes me!

Jack POV

I paced in the hallway. I just couldn't stand seeing Pitch again. Not even in a video. I hated that guy.

Sandy came out of the room and escorted me to Norths office so I could talk about it. North acted as a guidance counselor because he already knew everyone's secrets.

"Jack I know you can't stand pitch. None of us can. But the students can't know how much you hate him."

"You know North maybe this was a bad idea. Me trying to fit in as a student. Maybe I should be a teacher. I could help teach fighting techniques."

"Jack I know you're having a rough time but I just don't think it's a good idea. I think you're better off pretending to be a normal student. You get your own perspective on people and not just a teacher student relationship but a friendship." I nodded in understanding then wandered off to find Tooth. I found her reading a dental care book to a group of her fairies.

"Hey Jack how's it going?" She said smiling.

"Not great. " I answered. She patted the place beside her inviting me to sit. All of the fairies dispersed leaving just Tooth and I.

"Tell me about it." She said in a caring way.

"I hate making friends while pretending to be someone else." I admitted. "What if when they eventually find out they hate me for lying."

"Your real friends will stand by you no matter what. They will understand why you lied." She assured me. I gave her a big hug and stroked se of the feathers on her back. She pulled out of the hug and I stared into her violet eyes.

"Thank you. I really needed this." I said genuinely.

"Anytime Jack. Well except when we are delivering teeth." She giggled. I said goodbye and left to go back to my class but the bell rang saying it was over. Now it was Tooth's turn to teach. I walked alone to her classroom. She waved at me as I was the first one to enter.

The rest of the class filed in and we stood around the room in a circle.

"Welcome to my class. In this class we will be bonding and learning to trust each other. Without trust the guardians would fall apart. I trust each Guardian with my life." A smile formed on my lips. Tooth always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. "Now for our first exercise get in groups of nine." Perfect. I thought. I walked over to Hiccup. The rest of our friends were already in a group. I dragged Hiccup and Astrid over ignoring their friends from back home.

"Now the lightest person lay down." We looked around.

"Its either Hiccup, Astrid, Anna or Elsa."

"Shut up Jack!" Hiccup elbowed me.

"Its Anna. Astrid has too much muscle. " Elsa decided. Anna shrugged and stepped forward. Everyone else had already decided.

"Now the person who you've selected needs to lay down. " Anna layed down. "Cross your arms over your chest and wait further instructions. Now for the rest of you. Kneel down next to the person with your hands lying flat palms facing up." We did as told.
" Now slide them under the person." We all did and Anna giggled. "The person lying down has to lay as stiff as possible. Now the rest of you have to work together to lift them up. Be careful!"

"On three." I directed.

"One." Elsa said.

"Two." Merida continued.

"Three!" We all lifted Anna. She started to sink in the middle so Kristoff moved over.

"Very good guys. Class is over now so you can out your friend down and go to dining hall for a snack. You have an hour of free time! " She smiled and we all left. She winked at me before fluttering back to her fairies.

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