chapter 20

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a/n sorry its taken me so long to update, my laptop decided to break and i had physiotherapy :3 


loki's POV

*5 months being on the ship*

The ship was quiet at night, peaceful. Only the occasional sound of the engines  going faster. Tonight though was different. after being on this ship for 5 months going from location to location and still being stuck on one floor, i learnt every noise and creak the ship made. the sound of rain was relaxing and making me fall asleep, that peace was disturbed by people running down the hall and the sound of someone shouting something. one person was shouting a name that i couldnt quite hear and the other voices were commanding to find "the girl".. then i heard it... what the person was shouting..

they were shouting my name 


*3 hours before*

maria's POV

laying in bed, the ship was hot and, no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't sleep. slipping out of my duvet-less bed i slip on a long tee and begin my decent down the hall. Tony and Bruce were working late hours and were in the kitchen, i was about to speak to let them know i was present but something made me stop. their conversation was spoken in whispers and they both looked concerned. Before you go and tell me listening into other conversations was a bad thing, which i know it is, this convo struck me as interesting and i couldn't make out much of what they were saying much. after 5 minutes of listening and trying to make out what they were saying i decided i wasnt going to get much out of it and made myself visible to their eye line... then tony said something 

"yeh but if she knew he was on the ship and not dead, it would cause a lot of problems"

my gasp caught their attention "shit" was the only thing that came out of Bruce's mouth.

I started sprinting out the room when something hit me .... no quite literally, something hit me on my head and the vision went black.

i woke up to gray walls and 2 agents by a solid metal door with a small window. i try to get up only to discover that im tied to a chair. "what the". a voice drifted from the corner of the room "dont bother trying" it was Nat. she moved across the room towards me. "nat wha-" 

"we know you know loki is on the ship so we ahve to contain you, before u ask you have been out for almost 3 hours" she walked around me and undid the cloth that was holding me down. i didnt hesitate to headbutt her. the guards ran towards me but i used my training to push myself over their shoulders and open the door. i ran at full speed down the hall and down all of the flights of stairs to the bottom, and started shouting for loki.

i have been running for 20 minutes now but stopped when something struck the ship. a rainbow stream of light floods my vision and suddenly disappears...


loki's Pov

she was shouting for at least 15 minutes maybe more, thats when he appeared

"LOKI!" Thor stood in front of me, i went to use my magic to teleport but thor grabbed me and soon we where traveling back to asgard and to my death.

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