Chapter 6

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Maria's POV

I showed loki his new room and showed him where everything was and how certain things work, he was alittle alarmed by the shower and asked a load of questions about pretty much every object in the cabin. "Small pathetic place really, wouldn't you rather a palace or at least a bigger place" I shook my head while placing pillows down on his bed "that's why it's called a cabin loki, it's small and cosy and I don't usually have an annoying demigod who crashed into earth in the house. Which reminds me, why did you crash into earth?" I heard his footsteps fade away and I quickly dashed out the room the see what he was doing "ummm loki are you ok" he had his back to me "id rather we didn't talk about it , if you don't mind" nodding I replyed "no no that's fair enough. So do you want some food I'm about to make dinner" "no thanks I'm going to get some sleep" his voice was cold but I decided not to push him into ask why "oh um ok night then?" He didn't reply he just walked into the spare room and slammed the door. "oh um okay then".

*next day*

Loki's POV

Would these bloody midguardian creatures shut up I'm trying to sleep!!! Groaning, I turned over and slammed a pillow over my ears. I decided I can't stay in bed any longer and shuffled myself out of bed. "Shit" I sighed as I looked at the pillows that had slight mud on them from my hair. I guess I said it louder than I thought as a small voice said "what ever you did you have to sort it out yourself". Ugh this woman is driving me crazy. Deciding it was time for a shower I headed for the bathroom. "Ok so.. Twist this and then this and press this?" did what Maria had told me and i guessed it worked as water started spraying down . "MARIA ! " I shouted as the water was to hot and It was burning my skin "YES?" "HOW DO YOU COOL THIS THING DOWN ?!!! " Hearing a sigh from the other room she responded "SEE THE TWISTY THINGY WITH THE HALF BLUE AND HALF RED? TWIST IT SO THE POINTER IS ON BLUE". I spun around and quickly twisted it so it was on blue but I twisted to fast a fell over after I had changed it. Standing back up I resumed my shower.

** after shower **

I wrapped the towl around my hips and walked back into my room. "Where's my clothes !" Storming out I ran straight to Maria who was standing in the kitchen. "Where are my clothes ?!!!" She flinched a little "I put them away" put them away? "What do you mean put them away ? I need them!!" She released herself from my grip and walked over to a door, opened it and picked out some clothes "I put them away because humans don't dress like that . Humans dress in these" she said as she dumped some clothes into my hands "these should fit , their my brothers from when he used to visit" I guess I should be grateful but I can't help but be angry because I didn't even know where my armour is ! "Thanks" I muttered as I walked back into my room to change

Maria's POV

As loki got changed I made us breakfast as he hadn't found a job yet and I took the time to tell my work I would have to take the day off for 'personal reasons' . I started eating and almost choked on my first bite when I looked around and saw loki . The trousers/ black tailored trousers where slim and a perfect fit making is legs look long and slender but that wasn't what made me choke, what made me choke was the shirt, it was a black plain shirt but it was alittle tight and showed off every curve and muscle on his torso. STOP STOP IT don't think like that ! "Like what you see darling ? " I twisted my face and walked over to the sink to wash my dish "you wish" he let out a little laugh which was abit menacing. "Eat your breakfast and get some shoes on, we are going out" he sat down and started eating but stopped as he pulled a face of disgust" what in odins name is this?" "It's toast, now eat it or I'll shove it down your throat" he let out another laugh as he took another bite . "Where are we going ?"

" We are going shopping"


A/n shopping with loki , should be interesting

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