Chapter 2

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A/n hey guys sorry for not updating for ages . School has been so busy and homework is just being annoying . Sorry again and back to the story


Maria's POV

"Night Mandy " I shout as my co-worker leaves for the night . I sigh deeply and finish unpacking the dishwasher. After I finished I picked up my coat and bag and headed out the door to go home. A sudden burst of thunder breaks the silence of the night "looks like it's gunna storm .. Again" sighing deeply I start walking home , not even two minutes later it was lashing it down with rain and I still had to walk another mile to get to the woods.

~ 10 mins later~

My coat , my jeans and pretty much everything I owned in my bag where soaked and yet I still wasn't home . I sighed deeply as I continued walking down the empty road that seemed endless today. I thought it was gunna be a normal boring walk home and boy was I wrong.

It fell at such incredible speeds and streaked the night sky with a single stripe of green. I was so interested in it that I didn't think for one moment what caused it or where it came from . It wasn't until it bursted into ground that i realised something had fallen and crushed and I needed to see that it was .


A/n yes I know it's short but I'm trying to start short and just introduce and characters and introduce the characters to each other so the next chapter is small but all of it matters . Love ya xx

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