Chapter 18

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A/n sorry for not updating Im ill again ;-; I had a sleepover and my friend sneezed on me and illness hits me like a ton of bricks

Loki's POV
They told me to change into the stupid SHEILD clothes, they already knew I wouldn't so why even try! I do what I want. "Oi yo reindeer game" tony shouted to me "get me some coffee" "that's Jarvis job u mewling quim!" Tony was alittle confused, I chuckled slightly at the fact he doesn't know what it means. (A/n it means whining cunt or something like that). "Loki" fury called and gestured me to walk over, I obeyed unwillingly. "Tell me where he is hiding and I can ensure your safety" I thought about it for a moment. "Will it ensure Maria's safety?" He pondered awhile before saying she will be safe. "Fine"
I told him all the details. I won't have done this before but what choice do I have. I had 3 people watching me even when I was walking around the same room as them. Thor's eyes followed me and never stopped. Agent hill would watch me but when I shot a glance at her she would look away, coward. Clint would do the same as thor but looks more like he is studying me. Everything was silent and normal till "sir we've found a location" fury ordered a path to South Africa but won't say anything else. "Where about are we going?" I asked but fury shot me a glance and I didn't bother pressing any further.

To be completely honest it was a boring job. I sat around and gave information and helped make tea, I don't understand why they liked tea or coffee as I had never heard of it but it smelt like something was wrong with it, especially the coffee. I tryed both but ew disgusting mortal fluids... disgusting mortals. Nat walked in "Steve, thor, clint, tony, fury...... Loki"
"Nice to see you to Natasha" she rolled her eyes at me and sat next to clint. I chuckled slightly as I remembered what nat said last time i was in The helicrafter . Clint was confused but the rest ignored me.
It was getting late and I was getting tired. Nobody stopped me from walking right out the room. Bed was uncomfortable, cheap feeling midgardian material, but I have to put up with it so whatever, I'll leave soon anyway.

A/n the next 6 chapters happen over 6 days so each chapter is a day unless I say otherwise XD also the POV will change I know it was like this before but usually I would say if there was a time skip but these next 6 won't . Sorry it's not very good but I have writers block and I'm ill. I know the tenses change it just depends on my mood :3))) have fun :3 (p.s sorry again if it's bad, next chapter will be better)

Again soz if this is shit and not very long I dunno what to do with the loki povs but I'm sure something funny will happen

Not like the othersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora