Chapter 10

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Maria's POV
Ok, stay calm. Their not sending anyone out to look for him, we might be safe... For now. I slammed my hand against my head hard, shut up shut up Maria. Ok get a grip loki is fine.... But I'm gunna call him just to be sure. The phone rang for awhile before he picked up "hello?" A sighed "hey tom is me Maria I was just checking up on you. Is everything ok?" "Yes?" "what you doing?" "Reading" "oh okay well I'll be home soon so be carful and what ever you do stay in the house" "is everything ok maria" "everything's fine just stay put I'll be home as quickly as possible" with that I hung up and continued to wash the dishes.
5 pm came around and suddenly the program on switched to the news "we interrupt this program to give you a news report. Good evening a team of police officers are searching the Yorkshire dales for Thor's brother loki. A man gave us some evidence that loki is around England" the man from the suit tailors shop appeared on screen "he came into my shop and asked to have a suit fitted. I went to measure his arms when he attacked me. His friend pulled him off and apoligized then told him off and they leaved" it cut back to the news lady "his friend has been identified as a female in her 20s with brown shoulder length hair. We think she is helping hide the killer in her home. Which means we will be searching every house in Yorkshire. This has already started, we have searched 2,000 homes already. Please lock your doors and windows and if you see any sign of these two please report them. Julia hills bbc news"
I dropped the plate, that I was washing, on the floor. Everyone looked at me with a confused look "sorry the plate wasn't dry neither are my hands I guess I lost grip sorry" they nodded and continued their work. I on the other hand wanted to leave but if I suddenly left with no reason then it would seems weird especially after that report. I'll wait 10 minutes then say in tired. Oh! I'll drop another plate in 5 mins then when people ask or look at me weird I can just say "sorry i didn't sleep well last night" then my boss might tell me to go home.
5 mins had gone and I dropped the plate. I said the same thing that I was going to say and guess what? My boss sent me home and I still get full pay. I tryed not to look to happy while I left but once I was in my car and drove off as fast as I could. Usually it would take 40 mins In a car to get home but today it took 20. Yes ok I was driving twice the speed limit but nobody was around and the police where to busy with other things so speeding was never a problem for me. As soon as I parked up I ran out the car, locked it and ran inside. "Pack your bags we're leaving" loki stood up and out the book down "leaving? Why?" "The guy in the suit shop snicked on us and now the police are after you and me" I said as I run into my room and get the suit case from under the bed. I open my draws and start packing all my clothes, which luckly isn't too much. "Loki start packing. There is a suitcase under your bed" with that he ran off to his room.
I packed all my clothes and makeup and shoes in one big suitcase and then put all my books and other possessions in another medium suitcase. I packed my carry bag which contained anti-bacterial hand gel, charger, laptop, money and other essentials. I had 2 phones. One everyday one and another emergency one which nobody knows the number to. With the emergency one I went online and booked two tickets to a plane that was leaving for cali, America in 4 hours.
I walked out and saw loki standing near the door "ok one thing. Your identity anyone will notice you. Especially when you go though security control" "don't worry I can teleport us though it. " I shot a confused glare " I can teleport, not very far and Odin took most of my power but I can. I can also change my appearance but only for a short while. I was testing it out while getting things packed. I could disguise myself as a woman, we could go into the toilets, I could teleport us into the toilets in the waiting area and we can walk out and then I can hide my face or we can get an earlier flight" "I guess we could do that. And this flight is the last one out today" loki nodded and we headed for the car, got in, and started driving . "I have an apartment out in cali that I go to now and then so it's not unusual for me to go, I normally bring a friend so it's normal again. You will need a visa though which luckly I have a spare one with the name Lisa on" "who's lisa" "Lisa is my friend who I go to America with. She won't mind me using it" loki nosed and we continued driving.

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