Chapter 4

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Maria's POV

I rushed though to trees in the direction of the crash . Adrenaline pumping thought my veins and even though a few branches cut my face and clothes , I didn't care I just wanted to be the first at the sight. Pushing though more and more trees I finally started to see a clearing which pushed me on further until I reached the edge if the 'clearing'. "That isn't a meteor " I whispered to myself .

Looking down a saw a massive crater but that wasn't what shocked me , what's shocked me was what was in the centre of it . A man ... Covered it mud .. Laying down on the ground . From where I was standing it didn't look like he was moving or if he was even alive .

Where did he come from? Maybe he was hit with what ever fell? Maybe he is what fell? The last thought I shook my head at , not possible he would be dead from falling plus where would he even come from ? So why was there a man in the middle ? . From the distance I was at I couldn't see much and the rain wasn't helping . I did the only thing my mind was telling me which was to go check it out.

Running down the crater I slipped and slid in the wet mud and the rain didn't show any sign of stopping which made my sight disorientated, I don't care I just want to get a closer look. Finally at the bottom, I ran over to the body.

"Hello? Hello ? Can you hear me ?" The man didn't move at all . I couldn't tell what he looked like as the rain was falling to heavy and to be honest the only thing I care about is making sure he is alive. I placed 2 fingers on his wrist and quickly pulling back as I noticed he still had a pulse ! Where did this guy come from and what hit him ? Looking around I saw no other objects or anything that could have hit him. Looking over his body I couldn't find any indications that something had hit him. "Iv gotta get him out of this rain". I scooped one arm under him and tried lifting his body. Draping one arm around my shoulders I lifted him upright and started my long walk back to the road and my home.

~ le time skip~

After an hour and a half of dragging this mans dead weight I finally arrived home. I don't live in a neighbourhood as I don't like them so I built a cabin in a clearing in the woods. I unlocked the door and plodded in, place the man on the sofa and sat down next to him. "Ugh I need a shower" I'm about to get up when "I should wash him up first".

Grabbing a sponge and a bowl of walm water I walked over to him and started cleaning his arms from the mud, then his face , then his muscular chest and then his neck. His trousers where soaked with mud but I didn't want to change them. know that I had to, I grabbed some comfy sweatpants that my ex had left and removed his extremely heavy trousers then put the sweatpants on him. I noticed he had no shoes or socks but I just wanted to get out my clothes and have a shower so I lit a fire on the fireplace and left him how he was.

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