Chapter 8

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Loki's POV
"wo wo Maria slow down" when she didn't slow don't I grabbed her by the shoulders "Maria slow down tony has gone!" I reassured her "yeh but he could come back. Plus we need to get home it's due to storm" she replyed and shoved me away from her "calm down loki don't worry I'm not mad at you if that's what you think" she said as she got into the car with me following into the passenger seat. The ride home was quiet but my mind wasn't, she kissed me. Usually I would have snapped her neck but she did to to protect me so I guess that's ok, unless she did it to save her own skin for hiding me? I sighed lightly and stared out the window until we arrived at the cabin. Maria opened the boot of the car and went to grab them but I picked them up before she could. I wasn't doing it to be nice but I did it because I owed her. What she is doing is dangerous and could result to her death though I haven't told her that. Plus she did just save me from being killed or taken into Sheild so carrying the bags was the last thing I could do. "What's up with you" Maria said as I placed the bags onto the counter while she closed the front door. I shot her a confused look as if to say 'what do u mean?' "Your acting nice? I googled you while you where getting fitted, you killed hundreds of people and didn't care but u helped carry the bags in? What are you? Bipolar? Crazy? Multiple personalities? Or just two souls in one body?" She asked "no I'm grateful" Maria face turned for serious to shock "I'm grateful you are risking your life for me and I'm grateful you hid me from tin ma-" "wait what do you mean risking my life? Is that a threat?" "No no no but if Sheild found out you helped me then who knows what they would do to you" she rolled her eyes and began unpacking some food which we had brought "since when do you care about what happens to me, since when did you care for humans considering you killed loads of them for fun"
Maria's pov
I was suddenly pushed up against the wall with piercing green hungry eyes that belong to a killer staring directly into my soul "listen here you mewling quim. I don't care about pathetic human life's. They mean nothing to me do you understand. I would happily kill you right here and now but considering you helped me I won't but either way you might die, either by me or by shield but no matter what you will die so don't think I care about you for one second because in the end your soul means nothing, nothing to me, nothing to Sheild and nothing to this world all you will be seen as is a psychopath, a crazy man who kills for fun. Someone to use when needed, a tool, someone who will never be good enough and will get flung about and broken inside but nobody will care because your nothing to them only someone who they can call a monster and someone to compare to their all so perfect oaf of a brother" in the mist of his anger a tear rolled down his cheek and his eyes softened slightly for eyes that showed anger to eyes that showed sorrow, hurt, and brokenness. "Loki" I whispered as a stared at him like I was in a trance. I whipped away the tear that was half way down his cheek. his eyes softened and he slide down to the floor. Not crying. Not shaking. Not talking. But he just layed in the floor. I couldn't see his face but I knew now how broken he really was. I know knew alittle why he was broken and maybe that's why he did what he did. He was compared to his brother? What made Thor so perfect? In my eyes Thor didn't seen like a nice person. Loki is broken and maybe that's why I let him stay, because I like broken things. I like to put then back together and sure there is cracks still showing but the more cracks, the more broken they where, which shows how strong they have been. I slid down on the floor, pulled him onto my lap and wrapped my arms around him.

Loki's POV
My body flooded with sadness and my heart started hurting. All my memory's came flooding back to me and my body couldn't take it anymore. There was silence for awhile but after a few seconds I heard the sound of someone kneeling down on the floor. Slowly but gently my body was placed against something warm and comforting, someone's body. Their arms snaked around my body and for the first time in a long time, I felt warmth, comfort and I felt I belonged somewhere

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