Chapter 15

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Maria's POV
I jumped off my seat and lunged at him pinning him down, my leg burned and hurt like bitch but I didn't care . "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE IS DEAD!" 3 agents ran into the room, one being Steve. Steve I grabbed me and pulled me back while another pointed a taser at me and another helped Colson up "he is dead. Steve would you take Maria to her room and tell romanof she has to train her." Colson said as he whipped alittle blood from his cheek.
Steve took me down a series of corridors until we reached a room with a sign saying '74b-692' "your room mam" he swing open the door and stepped in. I hobbled in after him and almost fell again but Steve steadied me "thanks" I gave him a small smile and he helped me to my bed. My leg was bleeding badly. Steve pulled a first aid box out "im going to take the glass out then you will have to take off your jeans so I can have a look at the damage" I nodded.
It was finally over and I decided I would talk to him "so. How's you?" Steve carried on stitching my leg "Steve?" He looked up but ignored me and looked back down again "hello? You know that's rude?" steve sighed "I can not talk to you"
"You where talking just fine before"
"I had to then but I'm not here for discussions"
I gave up and and let him do his work. Once we was done he packed things away then walked to the closet and grabbed some clothes "here put this on"
"What is it?"
"Your uniform now get changed and meet Natasha in the training hall, it's just to the left" with that He left. I got changed, what the hell . I feel so uncomfortable it's hugging my body and I don't like it. It feels to tight and ugh please tell me I don't have to go out like this. I knew nat would get annoyed if waiting to long so I gave up being fussy, tied my hair in a side ponytail and began walking to the hall. Nat was waiting inside with some equipment "oh great" I mentally thought

Loki's POV
"Even if I wanted to help you, I can't" fury frowned "and whys that" I guess I have to explain all the details "thantos controlled me just like I did with clint apart from it's not that simple. He can still track my whereabouts. So he would know if I were to help you, meaning he could find me and kill me and kill everyone on this ship" fury stood up "come with me"
Following fury down endless corridors was starting to become boring but just as I open my mouth to speak he stops "this is an extractor, we used it on clint and the other agents. It will take the remaining power of the tesseract out of you"
Was he serious "anyone can still track me. with the power out of me hemdil can then see me and Odin will come to kill me"
Fury thought for a moment before saying "what if we ensured you safety for the time being. We take it out of you and you help us. Because you are helping then Odin will not kill you yet"
"Yet" I thought. I wish it would be simpler, life. I know I made it hard for myself but can you blame me? Imagine being told to take these monsters only to find out you are one yourself. I want to see Maria but Odin knows if that's possible and he doesn't even know that. I hopped into the weird machine. It was long and made of some sort of metal. I layed down and was told to clear my mind of any thoughts which is pretty difficult for anyone. The machine spun into action and a blue light sprung on. It started making weird noises but i ignored them as I closed my eyes and relaxed as much as I could.

After awhile the noises slowed down, the light went off and the extracting was done. Fury walked over to me and I got up "the extraction was successful. Now come with me." Fury started walking off without any warning. I caught up with him but I couldn't focus on him. I missed Maria.

A/N hey guys so I was thinking about changing my writing style to make it more detailed. I usually right at night so that's why I don't because I'm to tired but I finally thought detail might help now that we are further into the story. Let me know what you think. Thanks :3

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