Chapter 3

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As Rowen made preparations to pursue after the Nords, Gambian took Rakurih Wolden-Themarian, his new bride aside. He gazed into her beautiful green eyes, and she smiled. But as he opened his mouth to speak, a sob formed in his throat. He fought to keep his composure, but tears began streaming down his face.

Rakurih knew not what to make of this. For the many years she had known Gambian, she had never once witnessed him showing emotion, let alone sobbing. She only knew him to be witty, charming and strong as a lion. But this was new to her.

The princess of Levanorah took the warrior in her willowy arms and laid his head against her chest; something Shamarah did to comfort her when she mourned. Rakurih was young in her ways, only sixteen years of age; but her mother had taught her many things which made her wise beyond her years. She had enough wisdom to know that it wasn't in a man's code of honor to show vulnerability and thanked the gods that she alone was worthy to share this moment with the man she loved.

"I know not what I would've done if you were ripped from this world ere I hadst a chance to hold thee once more," Gambian finally managed.

Rakurih lifted his chin and looked deep into his grey colored eyes. "Behold, she cooed. "I am hither with thee, my love. I will never depart from thee."

Gambian smiled and gently kissed her lips. But Rakurih pulled away and took Gambian's head in her hands.

"I am thankful that the gods saw fit to unite us once more, if only for a moment," the young princess whispered.

"Wherefore sayest thou if only for a moment?" Gambian said. "I shall never leave thy side again."

"Rowen will pursue after Syrah."

"Of course; he must. It's suicide, but I'd no longer respect him if he didn't."

"It's Syrah. Our Syrah."

Gambian looked away from her, shaking his head, knowing what she was about to ask. Rakurih pulled him to her.

"Fasten your eyes upon me, Gambian."

Gambian glared at her.

"You must-"

"Nay!" he barked. "Don't you dare! I love Syrah like a sister, dearly. Twas Syrah who gave me the courage to share mine heart with thee. Twas she, who petitioned the king that we marry ere thou stole away in the dark. And against all odds, I find you alive and safe. I did not do so to lose you again. "

"She is thy cousin, Gambian. And you swore an oath of loyalty to Rowen."

"Baleerh swore an oath as well. I am not Syrah's brother; he is. Let him go with Rowen. I am needed hither."

"Syrah hath need of thee more, my Lion," Rakurih whimpered. "Rowen hath need of thee. I have lost so much. I can't bear to lose my brother. And I will feel reassured knowing you are by his side."

The great warrior gently tugged free of Rakurih and began pacing. She gazed at him, but he avoided eye contact with her. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew she was right. He and his cousin were never close, growing up. They often quarreled, and Syrah often made fun of him for his quiet nature.

But as he grew in strength, she came to respect him for his accolades and heroic deeds insomuch that she sought Gambian to betroth Rakurih, her best friend. She conspired with him to woo her and helped him to conquer his reticence in his feelings for her.

"Alright," he finally nodded. "I shall journey with Rowen. I will keep him safe and return him hither unharmed. I swear it."

Rakurih pressed into Gambian and taking his massive frame into her arms, kissed him sensually. "I will be waiting for you."

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