Chapter 19

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Two weeks later:

Shamarah stood at the foot of Ashure Themarian's bed, shaking her head in disgust. She had long tired of her son's lascivious living. In a few months, Rashnee and Rowen were going to war against the Nords, leaving Ashure to rule. His preparation for the throne in some cases was impressive.

Shamarah was pleasantly surprised if not downright astounded at the knowledge that the young prince had obtained. How was it that someone who spent most of his days partying and drinking had retained so much over the years? If only he would fully apply himself? Shamarah had decided that enough was enough. Ashure still had so much to learn about ruling a kingdom or the Fellowship would eat him alive.

The queen tried on several occasions to wake him but to no avail. He would turn over and snuggle up to one of the two maidens that shared his bed. Shamarah called for her house servant to fetch her a large pail of water. The older man obliged her, and she took the water and set it at Ashure's bedside.

"How else may I be of service, Your Grace?" the servant asked.

"That will be all, Good Man," she responded, looking despondently at her son. "Do close the door on thy way out."

"As you wish, your Grace," the servant acknowledged with a slight bow; clearly fighting a grin. It was apparent that he fancied what Shamarah was about to do. She had seen him grimace many times when he had to help an inebriated Ashure to his room, was forced to clean up his vomit or escort his many whores from the palace without being seen.

Shamarah waited until the door was closed, and turned and studied the young degenerates. She let out a sigh and hoisted the pail of water up to her chest. Turning the pail up, she doused Ashure's bed with water but, the heavy bucket slipped from her hands and hit him in the head. He awakened with a jolt, knocking the maiden to his left to the floor. The other awakened and began screaming at the top of her lungs. Ashure got his wits about him and shushed her.

"Pissin sop!" he exclaimed. "Mother! What on earth are you doing?"

The maiden he inadvertently knocked to the floor grabbed the bed for leverage and stood, pulling the covers with her.

"No, wait!" Ashure shouted trying to get a grip on the sheets to cover himself.

"Great Zeus!" Shamarah exclaimed and turned away to avoid shaming him more. Maybe she could have found another way to do this.

"Mother ye have completely lost your mind!"

Shamarah moved to the front of his bed and folded her arms. "Ladies, you have thirty seconds to remove yourselves from my son's bed, find thy garments, and leave my home."

The maidens started to get up, but Ashure held them fast.

"Mother these are my guests, and you will treat them as such! You can stay as long as ye wish," he said to them.

"Ladies, I am well acquainted with thy parents, both of which are prominent members of the Royal Council. Maybe I should visit their manors. I wonder how your fathers would take the news that both their daughters were found in the arms of one man?"

The young women glanced at one another and quickly dressed and left.

"Whoa, whoa ladies where are you going?" Ashure said. "She's bluffing."

"Forgive me, Prince," one of them said. "If my father learns of this, he'll have me flogged."

When they left, Shamarah turned and glared at Ashure. "Get ye up and dress! Now!"

Ashure stood. "What gives you the right to barge into my chambers and demand anything?"

"I am thy mother."

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