Chapter 39

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People were still celebrating and praising God when the sun dipped to the west of Kyros City. Shamarah stood captivated by the spectacle that played out before her. Never before had she seen such joy among a multitude. She fought with everything within her to not be swept away in the moment. As compelling as the call was to surrender her life to God, her role as a woman in power taught her to reason everything with logic. As queen, she could ill-afford to let emotion rule her.

Suddenly she realized that she had lost sight of Kiherah, Allista, and Beshlem. She began searching for them frantically, growing increasingly frustrated. She called out their names again and again to no avail. Where could they have gone? Could Allista and Beshlem have slipped away when they were out of her sight? Did Kiherah defect and help them escape? Shamarah would have never deemed her to be guilty of treason just a few hours ago, but she did convert to their faith.

She had been searching for about twenty minutes when she bumped into a large, dark-skinned man. She nearly lost her wig and struggled to keep it in place.

"A thousand apologies madam," the man said. "Nightfall approaches, and I marvel at the sight of those who tarry in the streets at this hour."

"Aye," Shamarah nodded continuing to search the crowd for anyone she recognized. "It's surreal. It's as if no one fears the dark. They all seem to believe they're supernaturally protected or something of that nature."

"Is everything all right, your Grace?" the man asked. "Are ye expecting company?"

"Yes, I'm searching for some friends... Wait a minute! What did ye call me?"

"Pardon my boldness, but I know who you are, and why you conceal your identity."

"Ye know nothing of me," the queen barked. "I am just a simple peasant."

"The nature of my visit is not to expose thee, Shamarah; only that you know the truth. For the truth shall make you free indeed."

"You dare address me by my first name? What knowest ye of me or why I conceal my identity? Who are ye too cast judgment upon me?"

"I need not judge thee. For the Lord hath already searched you and knoweth the wickedness in thine heart. He knows the secrets that lie in thy bosom and the burden of thy treachery."

Shamarah froze. A dread overtook her that made her hairs stand on end. Who was this man and what did he know about her past?

"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not," the man continued. "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed. How often have the Lord called to thee, and ye hearkened not to his voice? How often have you turned a deaf ear to his pleas and mocked him in your heart? Still, you dare lay hold of the Lord's chosen and judge their souls?"

Shamarah's breath caught in her throat. Was he referring to Allista when he said the Lord's chosen? Was God using this man to warn her not to arrest Allista and Beshlem? She dared not look into his eyes.

"As a member of the royal council, it is my job to judge that which I deem to be an offense to our government," she protested.

The large man came closer to her. The queen turned away from him, trembling. She knew now for sure that it was the Lord who sent him.

"The Lord shall judge the wicked for their sins," he said. "For it is written in God's law: Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. The glory of this day shall fade like the setting sun, and a time shall come when God's people shall be tried for the faith.

But they shall not be shaken; neither shall their faith be moved. Their works shall follow them into glory, and they shall shine as the stars of heaven forever. For the light of the Lord is in them, and the least of these among you shall be the greatest.

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