Chapter 17

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Nearly a full minute passed before Rashnee was able to calm the crowd. The affluent members of Laynemarah were elated at the news that Shamarah was rejoining the Sovereign Council. Most if not all spoke fondly about her reign prior to Theocales taking over the Fellowship. Now thirteen years later, this time with unofficial monarchy status, she was once again in prime position to help restore Laynemarah to its former glory. She couldn't help but succumb to the adulation of her supporters.

When the applause finally ceased, Rashnee turned everyone's attention to a growing concern. "Thirteen years ago," he began as he walked around the room. "A noisome foe brutally attacked my home. Without warning, the Mountain Men of the West laid siege to our land. They not only invaded us, but they held the city of Galpricos at bay as well. The Black Era nearly consumed us. But the gods!" he shouted, overcome with emotion. He took a moment to collect himself.

Rashnee's passionate outpour had the same effect on others in the room, including Shamarah. His conduct was usually never taken by her to be without a covert agenda, but this display was anything but spurious. The Black Era had taken much from everyone.

"The gods had mercy upon us," Rashnee continued. "After we were rescued, instead of recuperating and rebuilding, instead of taking time to lament over loved ones lost and bury our dead, like the lions we are, we rallied and went forth to liberate the city of Galpricos. We invited the Kabaazites and Shamrites to join in the fight. We made them members of the Fellowship and together as brothers in arms, we prevailed.

Consequently, the costs for courage and valor always demands a heavy price. Over a hundred thousand of our fine brethren from our united offensive gave their lives to drive those mongrels back into the mountains. Villages and towns were pillaged and burned to the ground. Our women and children were taken from their beds for the lust of their flesh. Yet with the help of the gods, we overcame.

"And as a result?" he continued in a more cheerful tone. "We have been able to enjoy many years of prosperity. Not only have we survived, but we thrived. The gods have blessed us tremendously. Yes, dissension rose among us. At times, we were obliged to preserve that peace and brotherhood through force with the intent of making a few examples.

Shamarah hoped that no one had noticed her rolling her eyes at her husband. At first, she empathized with Rashnee when he began to reminisce about the heart-wrenching memories that haunted them all. She grew nauseous, however, when he glossed over the tumult that plagued them after the Black Era. As she remembered it, Theocales implicitly had thousands of innocent men and women put to death. Those who stood against corruption and defiantly resisted his insatiable lusts for wealth and power were slain. Rashnee was his greatest asset because the king had assembled a mass dark army called the Shadow Infantry, which stole forth and took out any and every one that opposed him and the Sovereign Council.

"It is never easy convincing other nations to join a cause as great as ours," Rashnee said. "Sometimes the blood-spill of a few is required to benefit the needs of the many. Indeed, we enjoy much my friends. We savor prosperity never seen in the history of our worlds. We dine sumptuously on excess once impossible to achieve."

Rashnee stiffened and his smile faded. "I regret to inform you, however, that there are growing concerns that the tranquility we so cherish is once again under threat. Our scouts report that the Nords are gearing up for another invasion."

The crowd gasped in horror and began speaking frantically, bombarding Rashnee with questions. "What evidence do you have?" one man said.

"Have we made provisions?" another asked. "Tell us where they are now, I pray thee?"

"All questions will be answered momentarily," Rashnee said, nodding to Banetalyes, one of the Sovereign Councilmen.

A short, rugged-looking man now in his mid-forties, stood and made his way to Rashnee. Originally from the famous city of Shamrah, Sovereign Commander Banetalyes purposefully came to the center of the room. Two of his servants followed, caring a large parchment. Prior to the festivities, Shamarah had not seen him in seven years. She had heard about his many accolades and that he was regarded as one of the finest military strategists in Laynemarah's history.

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