Chapter 32

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The United armies of the Fellowship Regime were mesmerized by the phenomenon displayed above the Lagorah Cliffs. The rising sun lit up the heavens like a giant lantern revealing hundreds of clusters of enormous polychromatic clouds. The clouds billowed like giant balloons in a misty array of dazzling colors. The sun's golden rays painted a gorgeous backdrop against the Nordon Mountains, exhibiting a masterpiece of nature at its best.

Rashnee's prophets declared the occurrence to be a sign that the gods were with them. Upon their arrival in Gauz, Rashnee proclaimed a day of celebration. For several days the armies participated in festivities reminiscent of the Feast of the Gods, Kings, and Men affair.

Rumors, however, had begun to spread that some were convinced that it was Eudarius' God preparing his wrath. When the news came to Rashnee, he warned that he would have no more distractions and that anyone who spoke the name of Eudarius or his God would be put to death.

Babbling omens from a soothsayer as Meryolis had put it wasn't their biggest concern, however. Reports had come in that Nords, forcing the Fellowship army to abandon their battle strategies. An exasperated

Rashnee summoned the leaders from each of their represented kingdoms a day ahead of schedule at Gauz's main compound. For five days, alternative battle strategies were proposed and rejected.

The seventy-mile rocky range was fraught with perils and ideal places to set up an ambush. Every proposal offered brought risks resulting in estimated numbers of death too unjustifiable for the high king to endorse. The contention and discord caused tempers to flare and nearly brought some to blows.

Then Rodmere, the new king of Shabaz finally stepped forward and suggested that some of their plans be combined. He validated King Demorayh's proposition to send Baleerh and the Shadow Infantry, along with the Betharuins by night to the outer cliffs to scale the rocks and descend upon the Nords from the outside. With the Nords distracted, the rest of the armies would sneak in and strike. Rashnee rebuffed that idea as well.

"The Shadow Infantry and the Betharuins are specifically trained just for that purpose," Demorayh contested.

"True," Rashnee replied. "But even two thousand of our finest warriors are no match for six hundred-thousand flesh-eating dogs."

"Not to mention that the rocky terrain is too dangerous for them to climb," Rowen said.

Rodmere glared at Rowen. "Your concern for your boy, Baleerh is touching, but he and his men are well equipped to deal with those dangers."

"The gravel is loose. They'll be impaled by-"

"I believe your father inquired of my council."

"Thy counsel endangers the lives of-"

"Quiet boy!" Rashnee said to Rowen wearily.

"Continue son," he motioned to Rodmere and began pacing as he listened.

"While they're ascending," Rodmere said still glaring at Rowen. "We'll provide a distraction by positioning all of our trebuchets about seven hundred yards away and attack, as King Nodilon suggested."

The Namaphalian ruler waved a finger and nodded with approval.

"It should take the Shadow Infantry about four moons to climb those steep rocks," Rodmere continued. "So we should hold our position as long as possible before bringing our men within range of their archers.

"That is when Lord Balagharus' unorthodox yet brilliant strategy comes into play. Just before dark, we'll light the catapults. That will be the signal for the Shadow Infantry and Betharuins to strike from above and take out their archers. Once the catapults begin to launch, we'll divide the armies according to their specialized training. Under cover of darkness, we'll position our archers in various places around the cliffs. We'll have some of our best men to lead the charge, and once we reach the valley, our archers will light their arrows with oil and fire, and destroy their defenses.

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