Chapter 20

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Spring, September 1231 A.D. (Four months later)

"So is it true?" Rakurih Themarian called out as she approached Prince Eudarius who reclined on the balcony of his Estate, overlooking the lush green land of the Shirobethnian Republic. She held up a parchment and looked expectantly at him. "Are we no longer members of the Fellowship?"

"I place thee as my regent, and that gives ye the right to open my letters?" Eudarius said, groggy from sleep.

Rakurih struggled for a comeback and an apologetic smile spread across her face. "I questioned ye first," she finally managed.

Eudarius said nothing but sighed, apparently peeved that his peace had been interrupted.

"Eudarius!" Rakurih shouted.

The veteran warrior snapped his head up and peered at Rakurih.

She sighed heavily, opened the parchment and began reading aloud.

"The winter's wind will be lifting soon, and still have we no answer from you nor your brothers concerning the march on Mount Nordon. We have not forgotten thy blasphemous threats against The Regime. Thy outburst have angered the gods. Thy sin is ever before. Therefore, per the order of Sovereign Councilman Lord Theocales Wynlow, Meryolis Cheros, the Sovereign Prince of the Holy Court, and the other sovereign members of the council, you and your kinsmen are forthwith expelled from the Regime and stripped of all the titles, properties, and duties this union provides. The decree is effective forthwith at the conclusion of this letter."

Sincerely, Chancellor Malisdier."

Eudarius opened one eye and peered at her. "Is that not what you always wanted? To separate from those ah, what do you call them? Half-witted dung eaters?"

"Obviously not my finest moment," she said helping herself to Eudarius' wine. "Are you ever going to let that go?"

Eudarius chuckled. "Well, I have no regrets. They needed to hear the truth."

"Truth Eudarius? No one despises the Fellowship more than I. The things they've done to my family; I will never forgive them. But this is treason."

"Shirobethniah has been fortunate to have never been called upon to deal with the unrest within the Regime. Therefore the Regime has never needed to pay my men to fight. So no treason has been committed."

"But now we have no protection. We are sorely outnumbered and if they decided to invade, then-

"We'll be under the protection of the Lord God Almighty."

"I wish I could believe that."

Eudarius fought the urge to say, and you can. All you have to do is open your eyes to the beauty of this land.He knew well enough not to pressure her. They had debated about this time and time again, and the last thing he wanted was to be accused of pushing his beliefs on her as Rashnee had done.

"In time you will," he said with his eyes still half closed.

"Please tell me you aren't making reference to that prophecy you made in Galpricos."

"Well if it comes to pass, then ye will no longer have to fret about being outnumbered, and I can get some much-needed rest."

Rakurih sat down beside Eudarius.

"It gives me great joy that this amuses you so," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I surmise that ye have forgotten that my brother will be marching beside my father."

Eudarius sat up quickly and gazed at Rakurih like he had seen a ghost. "Impossible. Rowen won't go to war. He is heir to Rashnee's throne."

Rakurih stood and began pacing. "I received a letter from Rowen today. My father hopelessly believes in the gods. Their prophets blessed him with good fortune. He believes they will soundly conquer the Nords, and if Rowen is going to rule in his stead, he needs to remedy himself the torment of the Black Era."

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