Chapter 30

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Eudarius had hoped that Rakurih hadn't noticed that he barely put up a resistance when Rakurih had pestered him into looking for one more chance to turn Rowen from his path. The prince of Shirobethniah had an ulterior motive which was to speak one last time to his old friend, Rashnee. He knew that trying to convince him of his errors would prove fool-hearted and futile. Still, he had to try. Despite his ways, Eudarius still loved the High King as a brother. The two had become inseparable during the recovery days of the Black Era until Eudarius had begun his ministry.

Most of the soldiers who passed by glared at Eudarius as he and his party waited by Rashnee's tent that morning. Finally, Rashnee came out of his tent with Rowen in tow.

"Well what have we hither?" he grinned to his personal guard. "Behold, the fearless leader of sheep and goats, joins us. Perhaps my horse would too join thy flock, but he recognizes a real master."

"Your wit never ceases to entertain me," Eudarius said.

"I'm glad I amuse you," Rashnee said. "What you shall witness today will be more than just theatrics. Despite all who attempt to destroy our cause, Eudarius, we are more united than ever. We shall proceed forth and annihilate our enemies."

"There's still time you know," he called out to Rowen.

The prince peered up at Eudarius, and Rashnee laughed.

"Time for what?" he said, stretching out his arms. "Ye wish for my son, heir to the glorious nation of Levanorah to bow down and tremble before the great and mighty carpenter from Galilee? To ignore the consent of the priests of the gods? The gods we've served generation after generation?"

Eudarius only shook his head. He saw no convincing Rashnee to turn from his ways. Why would God send him all the way from his homeland to Lake Thescaro only to fail?

"Go home and prepare thyself," Rashnee said. "For you are no longer my brother. Thou art mine enemy. Henceforth, ye shall know me only in vengeance. When I am finished here, I shall rain terror down upon thy head and the heads of thy kin. I will plunder the land of the Shirobethnian Republic and make thy god a laughing stock. The people will rejoice that I have purged thee of the land. The Fellowship will build monuments in the name of their chosen high king and thy maidens shall make fine slaves."

With that, Eudarius lunged at Rashnee and grabbed him by the throat, but Rowen, Rakurih, and Ardaymian separated them. Rashnee's personal guard rushed them, but Rashnee told them to stand down and return to their horses.

"Behold ye him everyone!" said Rashnee. "Eudarius of Shirobethniah and the wrath of his God; restrained by a boy and a peasant winch." He winked at Rakurih and Ardaymian and raised his hands to the laughs and cheers of his men. He then returned to his company, and they departed.


When the newly built grand bridge of Kyros came into view, Shamarah put up a hand and signaled for her company to stop about five miles from the city.

Beshlem caught up to her. "What is it, my queen?"

"If we're going to attend the festival, it would not prove wise to be recognized. Our attire will give us away."

"Agreed," Beshlem said. "With such opposition set against our people, you can't afford to be seen with us. We can purchase clothing at one of the shops in town."

"No need," the queen said and dismounted from her carriage and pointed to the woods. "Beshlem get thine men and conceal my carriage in those trees. Then remove any apparel from my horses that might give us away. We'll meet hither once we're finished."

"With the utmost respect, your Grace, you expect us to-

-"We will be fine," Beshlem.

"Where goest thou?"

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