Chapter 5

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Forty-five minutes later, the drawbridge came down. A platoon of about thirty soldiers on horseback rushed out to meet Shamarah and company. One of the soldiers, a young, stocky, short man with auburn hair ordered Baleerh and his men to cross quickly and stay close to them. It wasn't lost on him the urgency in which the soldiers behaved, and though it was his nature to rebel, he complied.

When they crossed the bridge, the soldiers surrounded them. Baleerh placed a hand on the hilt of his sword and demanded to know what was going on. The older gentleman removed his helmet and bowed his head to Queen Shamarah.

"Your Grace," he began. "I am Commander Banetalyes of the house of Meryolis Cheros. I count it an honor to be at thy service. I have orders from Councilman Theocales Wynlow to escort you to the United Capital."

Knowing the protocol, Shamarah acknowledged him with a slight bow. "The pleasure of thy service is well received, Commander Banetalyes."

Banetalyes nodded to Baleerh. "Sergeant! I knew thy father well. I served under his command during the third and fourth war, at which hour, he commanded the United Armies Ground Assault. He was a hard leader, but it served to mold me well in my upbringing."

Baleerh looked upon Banetalyes with disdain. Maybe it was sleep deprivation and hunger pains, but something about the man didn't sit right with him.

"A pleasure to meet a student of my father," said Baleerh. "Many a great warrior came from the Ground Assault under his instruction. Years of his blood and sweat and yet this is where you spend your days?"

"Sergeant," Shamarah said sternly. "You are a guest here in Galpricos, and you will treat Commander Banetalyes with respect."

Baleerh took a deep breath and turned to Banetalyes. "I beseech thee most humbly to excuse my reprehensible behavior," he said with not a hint of remorse. "I'm afraid our long journey hath tested mine patience to its end."

"No need for an apology. I might have been a bit harsh at the bridge. As I've mentioned, your father helped to make me the man I am today."

Baleerh gave him a cold stare, and Banetalyes smiled.

Shamarah broke the tension with a forced laugh and positioned her horse beside Banetalyes. "Shall we? " she asked cheerfully.

"Of course, your Highness," the commander said pleasantly and broke his horse into a trot.


"So you're from the house of Meryolis?" Shamarah asked as they made their way through the gates. "The council made him a lord?"

"Not a lord, your Grace," Banetalyes said with an air of admiration. "He's been appointed to the Sovereign Council."

Shamarah blanched at Banetalyes. "Meryolis? A councilman? How can this be? He isn't well known for a reputation of repute."

Banetalyes said nothing, but Shamarah could tell she offended him. "Close the gate!" he shouted to the men at the entrance of the city. "Raise the bridge! Let no one else in without my approval."

Shamarah pulled her horse to a stop and looked steadfastly at the young commander, and he did the same. "Banetalyes I meant not to offend you. I know that soldiers pledge loyalty to the house of their master's and-"

"Forgive me, your Grace for my interruption. Many have given pause to Councilman Cheros' rise to prominence because of his crude behavior. I too am one with a questionable past, but as soon as he was made a member of the council, without a moment's hesitation, he appointed me to organize a militia and protect our gates against the Nords. You never agreed with his logic, nor the manner in which he presented it, but to Councilmen Wynlow and Tobian, he's considered a visionary and savior to this land.

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