Chapter 12

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When Daylan could no longer stomach the ridiculous spectacle of his parents blissfully dancing to impress their friends, Daylan left and proceeded to search for Kiherah. He pressed his way through the crowd and collided with her father, and unintentionally entangle the hilt of his sword in the Shabazite King's cape.

"A thousand apologies, Your Majesty," Daylan said to his father-in-law.

"Ach!" Belemoris growled, wrenching his cape free. "For Zeus' sake."

Daylan was certain he heard the man refer to him as an imbecile under his breath. "I beg your pardon?" he said.

"You heard me. You are an imbecile if there ever was one."

Daylan blanched at the cranky old man. "Have I offended thee in some manner, your Grace?"

"Suffer me not with your pretension. You know I despise you. You're pampered, spoiled, an ungrateful brat. You're as soft as a pig's underbelly. My daughter was given the honor of planning this festival; a time she cherishes even more so than the day of her own birth. Nevertheless, you stand hither, sulking; denying her the pleasure of sharing a magnificent experience with her husband. You don't deserve her."

"You must be a fortune teller," Daylan said with a smile. "I was just thinking the same thing. I am the luckiest man alive. And I have you to thank for her."

"Save the flattery for the mother of my grandchildren," said Belemoris with a smirk.

The king of Shabaz never hid his ire from Daylan. He often berated the prince, even in front of Rashnee. But when Daylan petitioned him to marry Kiherah, Belemoris didn't hesitate to give them both his blessing. It was no secret that he wanted a seat at Rashnee's table. One taste of Levanorah's fine wine and Belemoris was often found sniffing at Rashnee's heels like a hungry puppy, or at least that was how Queen Shamarah put it.

"Daylan," Rakurih interrupted.

Belemoris turned and scowled when he saw her. "Get this man away from me," he said to her.

"With pleasure, Your Highness" Rakurih said, rolling her eyes at the king. "Brother I'm sent here at the behest of a special someone; one who I'm certain will require an explanation as to why she is one of two dazzling beauties not found in the arms of her lover."

"I've been searching for Kiherah for hours," Daylan said desperately. "Wherefore is she?"

Rakurih pointed to her enthusiastically chatting with a group of women by pillars at the far end of the great hall. Daylan's pulse raced, and he sighed and shook his head. "Look at her; she's radiant. I am such an imbecile."

"Of course you are," Belemoris said. "She's a Varaman. No man is good enough for my Kiherah." He turned to leave but paused when he saw the look on Rakurih's face. "What is it?"

Rakurih' eyes widened. "Oh," she hesitated. "Well... It's just that... With respect, Your grace, you said my brother isn't worthy of Kiherah. To my knowledge, you were overjoyed at the news of their betrothal."

Belemoris furrowed his brow. "How would know? You weren't even present for the wedding."

"Yes, of course, Your Eminence," Rakurih said, glancing at Daylan; her green eyes full of conspicuous mischief. Daylan wanted to go to Kiherah, but couldn't resist an opportunity to watch Rakurih make a buffoon of Belemoris as they had often done in the old days.

"However, my mother wrote me daily while I was in the Shirobethnian Republic; one of which describes in great detail, Prince Daylan's and Kiherah's ceremony. She even offered a few opinions about the father of the bride."

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