♡ Chapter Three ♡

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[in case you don't know what a pregnant belly looks like at 3 months/10 weeks, there is a picture inserted at the top.]

*3 months pregnant*

I had my first ultrasound today & it was a very surreal (and emotion) experience. Although the baby is still super tiny, you could still see the imprint of its' little feet & hands.

When we got back in the car, I felt my eyes start to water as I looked at the ultrasound pictures. Josh took noticed as well because he immediately asked me what was wrong.

"It's just that this little human is actually growing inside me." I sniffled. "Like, in only six months time, it'll actually be here, living & breathing."

Josh chuckled & kissed my head before starting the car & driving back home.

"So, did you want to tell the boys today?" He asked me.

"Well, of course I do," I told him. "but I wanted to wait until they're all together."

"That won't be that hard."

"Yeah, but what about Harry?" I pointed out. "He stays so busy ; I don't want to be a bother."

"How about we get Tobi to give him a ride to the house? We'll say we've got some new tee shirts for him, we get everyone else there, & then we tell them?" He suggested.

I thought for a minute. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll text Tobi now."


Lucky for us, Tobi agreed to give Harry a ride to the Sidemen house. He said they'd probably be there around 9:30, which was fine by me.

It was currently eight o'clock & I was on edge more than ever. I had all these bad thoughts running through my head like "what if they aren't happy?" or "what if they hate us?"

My bad thought spree was quickly interrupted when the sound of Ethan's laugh rang throughout the house. As soon as Tobi & Harry got here, I would finally be able to breathe. I would finally be able to stop hiding a huge secret from some of my best friends.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the two boys that I had been waiting on for so long finally walked through the door.

Josh looked at me & I nodded my head.
"Hey guys, can everyone come into the kitchen for a minute?" He called.

The kitchen was soon filled with the other six Sidemen, who were surrounding Josh & I. No one really said anything at first, so JJ took it upon himself to lighten the mood.

"Fucking hell, mate, what is this? Some kind of house meeting?" He laughed.

Everyone, including myself, laughed at him.

"Sort of, yeah." Josh replied. "Chelsea & I have some news."

"Holy shit, she's pregnant!" Harry exclaimed. "S-she's pregnant! Chelsea's pregnant!"

"Oh, well, thanks Harry." I said.

He looked confused. "Wait, was that not it?"

"No, it was." Josh told him. "It's just that Chels & I wanted to be the ones to tell you guys."

Harry's face was immediately flushed with guilt. "Shit, guys, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." I laughed. "It's honestly not a big deal. I'm just glad all of you guys know now. Do you want to see pictures?"

They all nodded & I quickly ran upstairs to fetch them out out my purse. When I returned, the boys were back to laughing & joking. I laid the pictures in the middle of the island.

"So is that why you've been so sick lately?" Vik questioned.

"Yep." I told him.

"Wow." Simon said. "I can't believe you guys are going to be parents."

"Yeah, same." Tobi agreed. "Do you know whether it's a boy or girl yet?"

"Unfortunately, no." I said. "It was still too early to tell when I went into today, but I'm going back next month & we should know then."

"Is it alright if I tweet something?" Ethan asked. "Or have you guys not told the fans?"

"We haven't actually, but I think it'd be a great way of them finding out through another sideman. Josh, what do you think?"

"Whatever you want is fine by me."

I smiled. "Go ahead, Behz."

Behzinga : Congrats to @ZerkaaHD and @ChelseaSkyeBeauty on the news of a little one! Can't wait guys. ☺️👶

I smiled & retweeted the tweet. As soon as I did so, my dm's & mentions blew up. To clear things up, I decided to confirm it myself as well.

ChelseaSkyeBeauty : it's true guys! Josh & I are having a baby! we're so excited & hope you guys are too. 😋👶💗 #BabyZerker2015

Well, the truth it finally out & I couldn't be happier.

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