♡ Chapter Ten ♡

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[yes, I know that the picture is a major spoiler for this chapter. sorry.]


"One more push & you'll be done." the doctor said. 

I frantically looked around the room for Josh. He was no where to be found, so I started calling his name.

"There's no time for that!" a nurse scolded. "You have to deliver this baby now or else you're both going to die."

All of a sudden, the room filled with cries.

"Here she is!" the doctor announced, holding up a baby that was covered in blood. But then the crying stopped.

The doctor & all the nurses quickly rushed out of the room with the baby. Finally, the doctor came back into the room with a grim expression on his face.

"I am sorry to inform you that you're baby did not make it."


My eyes opened & my body shot up. The tears started flowing. 

"J-Josh." I sobbed. "Wake up." 

"Baby?" he groggily said. "What's wrong?" 

I couldn't say anything I was crying so hard. All I could do was hold my bump. Once Josh saw where my hands were, the sat up & became more alert. 

"Is it the baby?" 

I shook my head. "I h-had a dream." 

Josh took me in his arms. "Shh...it's okay."

After holding Josh held me for a little while, I was finally able to calm myself. "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have woken you."

"I don't know what has gotten into you since you got pregnant. You say sorry about everything now." Josh joked.

I laughed slightly.

"Do you want to talk the dream you had?"

I nodded & explained the terror that woke me up in tears. After I was done, Josh kissed my forehead. "I promise that's not going to happen."

I smiled weakly. "Can we just go back to bed now?"

Josh smiled & pulled me into his chest where I slept soundly for the rest of the night.


I got up the next morning - well, more like afternoon - feeling a whole lot better. As I was scrolling through my Instagram, Josh came in holding a tray full of food.

"Josh!" I happily gasped. "How did you even know I was awake?"

"I saw you being active on Instagram." he replied, setting the tray in front of me.

"Stalk much?" I said jokingly.

"Eh, a little bit."

I laughed & took a bite of my toast.

"So," he said, sitting down at my feet. "got any plans for today?"

I swallowed my orange juice. "I mean, I was planning on filming a video. Why do you ask?"

"Well, the lads & I are going out for a bit today & I just wanted to make sure you we're going to be okay my yourself."

"Oh, yeah. I'll be fine. Where are you guys off to?"

"Just to film some soccer videos."

I simply nodded. "Well, have fun."

Josh smiled & kissed me before exiting the room. 

By the time I had finished my amazing breakfast, the boys had already gone. Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I started filming my video.

"Hey guys! It your girl, Chelsea, here." I greeted. "Today, I am going to be giving all of you lovely viewers a full tour of baby Z's nursery. Now, before we get started, I just want to let you guys know that Josh & I have decided not to reveal her name until she is born. Luckily for you guys, that's only a couple of months away. So, yeah! Without any further or do, let's get on with the video.


I had managed to film a new video, edit it & upload it by the time the boys returned. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs & then a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

I expected to be greeted with Josh's bearded face but instead it was Simon.

"Oh, hey, Simon!" I smiled. "Where's Josh?"

"Actually, that's what I came up here for." he replied. "He's waiting for you back at JJ's flat."

I gave the lanky blonde a puzzled look.

"Just trust me."


"Simon, why the hell are the going to the rooftop of JJ's flat?" I asked. "It's freezing out there!"

"Your questions will be answered in due time." he joked.

I playfully scoffed. "You are such an idiot."

Soon, we reached the top & Simon opened a door for me. "But first," he said, reaching behind him & handing me a rose. "this." 

When I turned around, the remaining five Sidemen plus Freezy, Manny & Callux were all standing across from each other holding roses as well. More importantly, Josh stood in front of them. I collected my roses before coming face to face with my boyfriend.

"Josh? What is all this?"

"Chelsea," he sighed. "there are literally no words for how much I love you. You know that, right?"

I nodded my head. "Of course, I do, you goober.

He laughed. "I've been with you four years now & they have been the greatest four years of my life. We have countless memories together. Now, you're about to give me the greatest gift of them all ; a beautiful baby girl. But, there is one more thing I need from you."

He kneel down & pulled out a black velvet box. When he opened it, there sat the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I had ever lay eyes on.

"I need you to be my wife. Chelsea Skye Meadows, will you marry me?"

The only reaction I had was to cover my wide-open mouth with my hand that Josh wasn't holding. Somehow, I managed to nod yes. The shiny ring was slipped on my finger & Josh embraced me in possibly the best kiss we had ever shared.

"And you want to know the best part of all?" he asked.

"I don't think it gets much better than this." I giggled. "But what?"

He pointed over at Simon. "This whole moment was filmed."

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