♡ Chapter Eleven ♡

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"Let me see it! Let me see it right now!" Seana said excitedly.

I laughed & showed her my ring. 

"Aw, babe! I'm so happy for you." she squealed, hugging me. "Now maybe you can find a way to convince JJ to get me one."  

I laughed again at my best friend's eagerness. 

We immediately started talking about the wedding. However, we were soon interrupted when Callux came over to us with a girl. 

"Sorry to intrude girls, but I just wanted to introduce you guys to my girlfriend, Sarah." he said. The girls have a smile & a very shy wave. 

"Nice to meet you!" I smiled. "I'm Chelsea & this is Seana. I'm Josh's girlfriend & she's JJ's." 

"Oh, yeah, Cal mentioned that. Can I just say that I love your YouTube videos?" 

"Aw, thanks so much."   

"And Seana, you are just too beautiful for words." 

Seana looked at me & then at Sarah with a shocked expression. "Well, you are just a sweetheart! Come on, let's go get some drinks & chat, yeah?" 


The next morning I woke up feeling brutal, which didn't make any sense considering I hadn't had one drop of alcohol the previous night. 

"Josh?" I croaked. 

He turned around in his gaming chair. "Well, hello, there sleeping beauty." 

"Wait, what time is it?" 

"Oh, only about 1:30 in the afternoon." 

I sat up. "Are you serious?" 

Josh nodded. 

"I feel like complete crap to be honest." I confessed. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, getting up to come feel my forehead. 

"My head & lower back are killing me. It's almost like I'm on my period." 

"Do we need to call the doctor?" 

"No." I replied. "I should be fine after I find out what kind of medicine I can take." 


It was now a quarter til eight & I still wasn't feeling the slightest bit better. If anything, the pain had gotten worse & now I was starting to throw up. 

"That's it." Josh announced, after I had thrown up for what seemed like the billionth time. "I'm taking you to hospital." 

I was going to protest but because I had no ounce of energy left in my body, I just stay quiet. Josh lifted me up bridal style & carried me out of the bathroom. 

"Simon! Vik! I need you guys' help." 

"What is it mate?" Vik asked. 

"I'm taking Chelsea to hospital. I need one of you guys to pack a bag with clothes & the other to drive us there." Josh told him. 

It was settled that Simon would drive Josh & I. On the way, Josh sat in the back with me, stroking my hair & telling me things were going to be okay. As bad as I felt, my main concern was our baby girl. 

We soon arrived at the hospital. I don't remember anything after Simon asking if I alright, except seeing pitch, black darkness. 


When I woke the next morning, I was hooked to all these different monitors. 

"Oh, thank God you're awake." Josh sighed, rushing over to me. He started kissing my face all over. 

"Josh?" I questioned. "Why am here? Did something happen to Scarlett?" 

"I should get the nurse. I'll be right back." 

The fact that Josh didn't answer my question before left made my stomach sink. However, he soon returned with a woman in a long, white coat. 

"Ms. Meadows, I'm Dr. Olivia Meredith." she introduced herself, extending her hand. 

"Hi." I greeted, shaking it. "Can you tell me why I'm here?" 

"Sure thing." Dr. Meredith smiled. "Last night, your fiance brought you in at about 8:15 saying that you had been complaining of a head & backache since you woke up. Just as a nurse came over to wheel into a room, you fainted. Now because you are with child, our main priority was to get you back to conscious. Luckily, we succeeded."

"Is my baby okay?" 

"Her heart is beating just fine. However, we did conclude that she is in a breech position, which could cause problems when you start to deliver. If you're unable to give birth to her vaginally, then that might result in a C-Section." 

I pursed my lips. "Is there anything I can do to make her face the right way?" 

 "Unfortunately, no. All we can do is hope that she turns face first before you have to deliver." the doctor sighed. "Now, I'm going to go ahead & get some tests set up so we can see what's causing your pains. How are you feeling this morning?" 

"Very drowsy. I still have my headache as well." I told her. 

She nodded & wrote things down on a clipboard. "It should be about half a hour before we can get the first test started. Until then, just stay relaxed & drink plenty of fluids." 

Dr. Meredith exited the room, leaving just Josh & me. No sooner had the door closed, I completely lost it. Josh came over & sat beside me. His arms wrapped around me & he kissed my head. 

"I'm so scared, Josh." 

"I know, princess. I know." he whispered. "Everything is going to be okay though. I promise." 


although I didn't fully use her idea, I would just like to thank @IrwinsImagination for commenting c: give her a follow! she's great c: 

again, if you have something you'd like to see happen in this story tell me down below & I can will see what I can do! 

Something NewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora