♡ Chapter Fourteen ♡

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The call. 

The call that was made to me at exactly 12:42 in the afternoon. 

The call left me shaking, screaming & crying in Josh's arms. 

The call that changed my life. 


The day before was a average day. I filmed a video updating everyone on Aria & how Josh & I were coping with her not being able to come home for a few more weeks. As usual, I edited & uploaded it a few hours later. 

By the time that was done, it was close to half past six o'clock. Josh suggested we go out with JJ & Seana to dinner, as they invited us earlier. I agreed & let Seana know we would meet them at the restaurant. The four of us ate dinner & talked. It was just a normal day. 

Until Josh & I got back to the flat. 

We were snuggling in bed watching reruns of FRIENDS when my phone rang. I looked at caller ID & saw it was my oldest sister, Heidi. 

"Hello?" I answered, now sitting up. 

"Chelsea," she sobbed. "you need to get to the hospital." 

"Why? Oh, God, what has happened?" 

She took a shaky breath before answering. "Daddy...he, h-he's really sick. The doctor said it's bad." 

"I'm on the way." was all I said before hanging up. 

But that call wasn't even close to the one I would receive the next day. 


After Josh was informed about what was going on, we rushed to the hospital we were now quite familiar with. My sister had already texted me & let me know the floor they were on. as well as the room number. 

Heidi, Sam & Lucy (the sister before me)  were all standing outside, sitting in chairs. They saw Josh & me & practically ran over. Almost instantly, the four of us were in a group hug, crying. 

"So, what happened?" I asked, once we pulled away. 

The three of them shared sad looks. 

"The doctor told us that," Lucy explained, her voice breaking. "daddy has stage four lung cancer. He's had it for about a year now." 

"And he hasn't told anyone?" I replied, in shock. 

"Not a soul." Sam said. "It's spread everywhere now." 

"I want to see him." I said. 

"I'll go in with-" Josh started. 

"No." I protested. "I need to do by myself." 

I opened the large door & walked in. I let the door close its self & walked over to my dad's bedside. There was a chair right beside the bed, so I took a seat. 

"Daddy?" I tried. "It's Chelsea." 

The strongest man I had ever know was know weak, sick & fragile. 

"Hi, love." he croaked. 

I gently took his hand in mine. 

"Thanks for waiting on me." I told him, tears cascading down my cheeks already. 

"I couldn't leave this world without saying goodbye to my baby." 

My heart sank even more. "I had the baby." 

His head turned a little to look at me better. "Yeah? What's her name?" 

"Aria Meredith Bradley." 

"Beautiful. Just like her mummy." he smiled. "Before I go, I want to let you know how sorry I am about what happened before." 

"I'm sorry too." 

"No, no." he said. "Listen, to me. You don't have a reason to be sorry. You were right. I should have been thrilled about my daughter having a baby. The only reason I wasn't is because I knew I wouldn't be able to see the baby once it got here. I knew that this was going to happen." 

"Daddy," I cried. "why didn't you tell us?" 

"Because I didn't need my girls worrying." He then patted a small, empty space beside him. "Come on, come lay with your daddy."

I took no hesitation into carefully climbing into the bed & burying my face into him before sobbing uncontrollably. 

"I love you so much, Daddy." I weeped. "Please don't go. Please don't leave me." 

My father was now crying too. "I don't want to leave you, princess. I don't want to leave any of my girls, but we all know that it's my time. But I need to promise me something." 

"Anything. What is it?" 

"Promise that precious little girl of yours will always know who her papa is." 

"I promise, Daddy." I replied.


Josh & I finally left the hospital around two in the morning. I went straight to bed with Josh's hands secured around my waist. 

When we woke up the next morning, I had no motivation to get out of bed, but I did. I got up & showered. I put something decent on & ate some cereal. 

It was now twelve thirty. I put some clothes in the wash & made the bed. 

Twelve forty. 

I was sat on a stool at the counter. My hand over my mouth as I sat thinking. 

Two minutes later is when I got the life changing phone call. 

It was Lucy. She was crying hysterically.

"Chelsea, Daddy died." 


wow. this was super sad. 

i'm glad Chelsea & her dad were able to make up though.

remember to check out my JJ fanfic as well c:  

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