♡ 13 Questions Tag ♡

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hellloooo! first off, I just want to say sorry for not uploading in like a million years. secondly, I was tagged by ultimatesdmntrash a longgg time ago to do a 13 Questions Tag. sooo, that's what I'm going to be doing (: here weee gooo. 


1. Posting rules is a must. 

2. Must tag 13 people 

3. Must answer 13 questions 

4. Answer questions assigned and make up your own 

5. Tag backs allowed

6. Must finish in two weeks (sorryyy)

7. Be creative with the title! (I tried.)


The Questions Asked

1. Age? 

14 years young 

2. Favorite Food? 

Mexican Food

3. Where do you come from? 

Murica. Georgia, to be more specific. 

4. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and how many do you have? 

Oh, boy! I have seven cats in total (four are strictly inside, one goes in & out, and two are strictly outside.)along with three dogs. My cat's names are Lilly, Belle, Kitty, Molli, Bianca, Walter, and George. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what breeds they all are because they were mostly rescues. 

My dogs, however, I know the breeds. Dixie is a pit bull, Georgia is also a sort of bulldog, and Willow is a beagle-basset hound mix. 

5. Biggest fear?

Hmm....probably insects. (With the exception of a few.)

6. What is/was your favorite lesson at school? 

Literature and Biology 

7. Favorite Film? 

The Devil Wears Prada and The Notebook

8. Who is your favorite celebrity? 

Evan Peters

9. What is your favorite place that you have been to? 

Panama City Beach, Florida

10. Favorite Artist/Group 

5 Seconds of Summer and Shawn Mendes

11. Least favorite color? 


12. What is one place in the world that you want to visit? 

Anywhere in Ireland. 

13. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play?

I used be in my middle school concert band & I played the snare drum. 


Questions I Ask You 

1. Who is your favorite YouTuber? 

2. What's your favorite type/genre of music? 

3. Favorite holiday(s)? 

4. If you could learn any language, what would it be? 

5. Have you ever had a near-death experience? If you're comfortable with it, please elaborate. 

6. Favorite brand of shoes? 

7. Do you enjoy video games? If so, what's your favorite game to play?

8. Pewdiepie, Markiplier, or Jacksepticeye?

9. Cats or Dogs? 

10. If you could have one actor and one actress as your parents, who would you choose? 

11. Favorite social media? 

12. Do you like to read? What's your favorite book? 

13. List your favorite hobbies. 


right, so , there you go! I didn't tag people because I don't even have enough people to tag lol. instead, anyone can just feel free to answer these questions!

updates coming soon.xx 

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