♡ Chapter Seven ♡

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"It's too common."
"To traditional."
"Maya, lily, Hannah. I don't know!" Josh sighed.
"Those names are cute, but they just aren't the name for our baby." I told him.
"Then what is the name for our baby?" He asked.
I sat back against the bed & thought.
This pregnancy thing was a lot harder then people talked about. I mean, not only do you again about forty more pounds, but you're hot & cold at the same time, always hungry, & you can never find a comfy spot in bed.
"Well, what do you want her name to start with?" Josh questioned, interrupting my thoughts.
"I dunno." I replied. "I've always kind of like the letter s."
Josh & I were both silent for a few moments more.
"That's my sister's name."
"Oh, yeah. Um, what about Scarlett?"
I paused for a minute.
"What did you say?"
"I said what about the name Scarlett?"
I looked at Josh with shock in my eyes.
"Josh!" I exclaimed
"What?" He asked confused.
"That's it! That's her name! Scarlett!"
"Yes! Oh, my gosh, I can't believe I didn't realise it before."
"Well, I'm glad that's out of the way." Josh smiled.
"Me too. But what about her second name?"
"You can choose it. I mean, I got the honours of actually giving her a name." He told me whilst placing his hands on my growing belly.
"Rose." I said, almost immediately. "Scarlett Rose Zerker."
There was a quick movement from my tummy.
"She loves it." I giggles.
Josh smiled lovingly. "And i love the both of you."
Soz this was so short.
Hope you enjoyed it (:

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