♡ Chapter Sixteen ♡

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I know it's been like centuries since I last updated, but I'm just going to pick up from where I left off. 


Josh had been gone for a good couples of hours & Aria was still sleeping soundly in her crib. As for me, I was sat on the couch watching Netflix & hoping Aria would stay the way she was. 

Unfortunately, I spoke too soon because her cries started echoing through the whole apartment. I hopped up from my spot & made my way into the nursery where a tiny, whimpering Aria lay. 

"Hello, there, little one." I cooed. "You finally decided to wake up?" 

I carefully lifted her out of the crib & placed her on the changing table. Of course, this made her even more upset. 

"Shh.." I spoke, grabbing a diaper. "Mummy has to change your diaper really quick." 

During the two minutes I spent changing her, Aria did nothing but cry. I finally had a clean diaper on her & grabbed her blanket before making my way back into the living room. I lay her in her swing & turned the music on before going into the kitchen to heat her up a bottle. 

She was now cradled in my arms & being fed. The room was now silent, with the exception of Aria suckling her bottle. Then, my phone rings. Silently sighing, I removed the bottle from her mouth but was quick to place it right back as soon as I had my phone. 

"Hello?" I answered, placing the phone between my shoulder & ear. 

"Chelsea, I need your help." 

The voice on the other line was JJ and he sounded desperate. 

"What's up? Are you okay?" I asked concerned. 

"Uh, nah. Not really." he chuckled. Typical JJ. Laughing when he's really about to lose his shit. 

"So, it's kind of a long story." 

"I've got time." I replied. 

JJ sighed. "Right, so, I'm not at home right now. I'm out with the lads. I'm pretty sure I forgot to lock up the flat, so I asked Jordan if she would-" 

"Hold up." I interrupted. "Who's Jordan?" 

"She's, uh, the girl I'm seeing." he said. "Anyways, I asked her would she mind going by & locking it because she's the only other person that has a key. Well, she went by & decided to go in to make sure everything was in its' place. I also asked her to check the voicemail & what I'm about to tell you is going to shock you." 

"There was a message on there from some a girl named Danielle. And, uh, basically is to make a long story short, she said that she was going to give birth to a baby sometime tomorrow ; and the baby is mine." 

There was nothing but silence from my end of the phone. "Chels? Hello? You there?" 

"What? I said, snapping back into reality. "Oh, yeah I'm here. So, this girl is going to have your kid?" 

"Yeah." he replied. "I mean, I'm obviously going to to the hospital and get it confirmed." 

"Wait, so, why did you need my help?" 

"Right. Danielle also said in the message that she didn't want the baby & if I wasn't going to take it, she's going to place it up for adoption." he explained. "Chelsea, I can't let her do that. I can't go on with my life knowing that the baby might not have a good life. On the other hand, I don't know if I'm ready to be a parent. You know what? Scratch that. I know I'm not ready to be a dad. I mean, you know me. You know how I am. How am I supposed to be a proper father for that kid?" 

"JJ, I-I don't know." I told him honestly. "What does Jordan think about all of this?" 

"She offered to help me with the baby if I decided to take it. The only problem is that we've only been together for a few months." 

"How is that a problem? So many girls would have ran as fast they could have. Jide, look, if she's only been with you for a little while & she's offering to help you raise a kid, I'm telling you she's a keeper."

"Yeah." he agreed. "Yeah, you're right." 

"So, what are you going to do?" I asked. 

He sighed. "I'm going to go down to that hospital tomorrow morning & get a blood test done. And if it's my baby, I'm going to bring it home." 

I smiled. "Good for, Jide. I'm proud of you for taking responsibility." 

"Shit. I just thought of something." 


"I don't have anything prepared for the baby. No clothes, no bottles, no crib." 

"We've got you." I told him. "There's so many bouncers & extra clothes Aria doesn't need or fit anymore. I'll bring them by tomorrow morning & they'll be waiting for you. I can go out & buy some bottles too." 

"Chels, come on. This is my kid & I need to buy-" 

"JJ, no. I insist."

"Alright." he sighed. "Hey, I gotta go, but I'll talk to later, yeah?" 


"Bye, Chelsea." 

"Bye, Jide."


Things were going so well between Aria & I..until the storm. 

That's how I got where I was now. Sitting on the floor of the nursery with a screaming Aria in my arms & sounds of thunder booming. No matter how hard I tried she wouldn't stop crying. 

"Let me take her." a voice I immediately knew as Josh's spoke. He took her from my arms & started to sooth her. 

"Shh..." he spoke. "Daddy's here & he's not going anywhere." 

After Josh was able to settle her down, we both made our way into bed. His arms snaked around my waist, as usual. 

"Hey, look at me." he said. 

I flipped over & looked into those deep, brown eyes. 

"I am so sorry. I was such a dick for leaving you & Aria like that." 

"It's okay." I smiled, placing my hand to his cheek. "I forgive you, but you are going to have to do some major repairing." 

"Believe me, I've already started thinking of ways. I love you so fucking much." 

I giggled. "I love you too, goofball."

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