Chapter 16 - Me, Myself and I

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Leo's POV
I didn't quite know what was going on with Katy. One minute everything's fine and the next she thinks we should "have a break". And everyone knows that you don't "have a break" you breakup. I left my house to start walking to school. Katy was leaving her house at the same time. I gave her an awkward smile.
"Hi," I awkwardly half smiled. She just ignored me and started speed walking ahead. "Katy!" She turned to look at me.
"I said that we should have a break!" she shouted at me.
"What does that even mean?" I asked.
"That for now we shouldn't be together," she sighed.
"Not even as friends?" I questioned.
"No I want space!" she shouted. I just shook my head and watched as she sped ahead.

When I got to school I went and stood with my friends. I kept looking at Katy and her group of friends. Katy was smiling and laughing and didn't even look at me. It was like she wasn't even bothered by what had happened.

Katy's POV
As I stood with Hailey, Georgina, Regina, Lola and Izzy I noticed Leondre arrive at school. I don't know why I kept pushing him away. I love him. I didn't look at him; not even once. It hurt too much to look at him.

"Katy? Katy?" Georgina's voice broke me out of my daydream. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Uh yeah," I murmured.
"What was I talking about then?" she sighed.
"Uh... okay I wasn't listening," I admitted.
"Are you okay?" Hailey asked.
"Yeah," I forced a smile on my face as I spoke.
"Leondre keeps looking over here," Izzy stated.
"But you haven't looked at him once," Regina added. "Has something happened?"
"We're currently on a break," I told them. They all stared at me.
"And I'm guessing that was your idea otherwise you would be upset," Hailey said.
"Was this because of what I said?" Lola asked. I sighed.
"Can't I just have a break to realise who I am?" I practically shouted at them. They all looked shocked. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking this out on you all,"
"You're right you shouldn't!" Regina exclaimed.
"We're your friends not your punching bags," Hailey quietly told me.

Things were a bit awkward at break time. They were all still slightly pissed off with me.
"I am sorry," I told them to break the silence. "It's no excuse but I have got a lot going on right now,"
"It is no excuse," Lola started. "But I guess we can forgive you. Because that's what friends are supposed to do," I was so glad that they were forgiving me but there were still high tensions.
"I am so excited for Easter!" Regina exclaimed while everyone was thinking.
"I'm going to Spain! I can't wait!" Hailey told us.
"I'm going to Lanzarote," Regina smiled.
"I'm just staying at home," Lola said.
"Same," Georgina added.
"What are you doing Katy?" Izzy asked.
"I'm not sure," I admitted. "But I might be going back home."

At the end of the day I walked home by myself. Unfortunately the only person who walks in my direction is Leo. It was a long quite walk home where I was left with only my thoughts. And 5 seconds of summer's music. When I got home I went straight up to my room to FaceTime Caitlin.

Her face popped up on the screen almost immediately. (Katy-K Caitlin-C)
C- Hey how are you?
K- Hey I'm alright thanks you?
C- Yeah I'm good. Okay so you're totally coming home for Easter aren't you? My parents said it's fine for you to stay. And your Aunt is fine with it! I'm so excited to see you!
K- Oh my gosh I'm so excited to see you! And obviously everyone else back home!
C- Oh and make sure you bring a cute dress because we're doing our annual Easter party!

Every year Caitlin's family throw an epic Easter party. So it's not as good as their Halloween party but it's better than their black and white themed party. They make their house Easter themed and do an amazing Easter egg hunt for the kids. It's always epic.

K- I'm so excited!
C- Me too! I've got to go now but I'll speak to you soon. Bye love ooo!
K- Bye love ooo
With that Caitlin hung up and left me staring at my blank iPad screen.

Eventually the last day of school for Easter came. I was still yet to speak to Leo. He had given up on trying to speak to me very quickly. I hated the fact that I just couldn't speak to him. I had planned an apology for him but every time I was near him anger would just wash over me and I would push him further away. Ugh why are my emotions so annoying and confusing?

"Are you excited to go home?" Hailey asked me at break.
"Yeah it will be good to catch up with my old friends," I told her.
"Have fun," Regina smiled.
"Yes and I hope you have fun in Lanzarote," I smiled. We were sat talking when Leo came over.
"Hey," he awkwardly smiled. I went to shout at him but Hailey hit my arm.
"Hey," Hailey smiled.
"Um I got you something," he told me. He started rummaging through his bag. He passed me a Thorntons Easter egg and a chocolate speech bubble with "I love you" iced on it. I didn't know how to respond. Suddenly I was in a flood of tears.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked.
"I'm fine!" I snapped. There was my unresolved anger. I got up leaving everything and ran to the toilets.

I was drying my eyes when Hailey walked in with my stuff. She pulled me into a big hug.
"Hey you're smudging your mascara," she smiled. I searched through my bag and got out my makeup bag. I started slowly reapplying my makeup.
"I think there's something you're not telling us," Hailey quietly told me. "I went to google about the way you've been acting. Loss of interest, loss of sense of who you are, bad concentration, panic attacks and self-destructive behaviour. That's what people who have been through a traumatic experience have. You don't have to tell me about it. But when you're ready I'm here." I went to apply my mascara but my hands were shaking badly. I put the mascara down for a moment and took deep breaths.
"Here," Hailey smiled while picking up the mascara. She did my mascara for me.
"You're a great friend," I smiled. She was an amazing friend and I didn't deserve her.

I've updated👏
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