Chapter 26 - The Bambinos

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Katy's POV
Bambinos had started to catch on that something was going on between me and Leo. Someone had even spotted that I was travelling with them. As we were on our way to the next venue I decided it was time that Leo and I spoke properly about it.

I planned what I was going to say in my head.
"I think we should tell the bambinos," I suddenly said while Leo and Charlie were on their phones. They both looked up at me in surprise.
"Really?" Leo asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "They're going to find out sooner or later and it's better if they find out from us,"
"Okay should I post it on Instagram?" Leo asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Pass me your phone," He handed me his phone.

I opened up Instagram and clicked to post a photo. I scrolled through his camera roll and picked a cute selfie of the 2 of us. I passed his phone back to him.
"Caption it however you want," I told him. I watched him type and nervously waited. After a few minutes I got a notification on my phone: "@barsandmelody tagged you in a photo". I unlocked my phone and looked at the photo. I double tapped the photo then read the caption.

"So I would like to let all of the bambinos know that Katy and I are in a relationship, I hope you can all be supportive of my relationship and happy for us and know that I will always love you all still even though I have a girlfriend. Bambinos are everything to me and I hope this won't upset you all or affect your feelings towards me and Bars and Melody in any way"

Within seconds my followers went up by loads. I received loads of likes and comments and my notifications went crazy.
"Wow how do you put up with the crazy notifications?" I laughed.
"It is rather annoying," Charlie laughed.

We reached the venue and went in through the back. Leo pulled me into a big hug.
"Thank you for letting me announce us," he whispered in my ear.
"I love you," I told him.
"I love you too," he replied. We shared a quick kiss then he had to go and do the signing.

While they were doing the signing I started reading through the comments left on my recent Instagram photos.
"She's too ugly for Leo"
"What does Leo see in her?"
"She cracked my screen"
"Oh my gosh you're so pretty and you and Leo are absolute goals😍😍💗 I ship #keondre so much #otp 😍💗❤️😭😘😘😘"
"^^Ew too many 143s sucking up to the ugly slut"

I quickly closed Instagram because I didn't like the comments. I knew that the bambinos weren't going to like me and that's why I wanted to keep it secret. But I also knew we couldn't keep it secret forever. The truth always comes out.

Once Charlie and Leo finished the signing security guided us out back to the car. We were greeted by loads of screaming girls. The girls quickly became shocked when they saw me.
"Why is she with them?" One girl sneered.
"That slut is already practically a third member," another one said.
"She's so ugly, what does Leo even see in her?" another asked in disgust. We got into the car where I could no longer hear their judgmental words.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked me.
"I'm fine," I lied. I didn't want to burden him with my feelings. By being his girlfriend I have signed up to this. I would have to learn how to deal with the hate. I would have to learn how to be strong. Because let's be honest they only hated on me because they were jealous.

Oooh third update in one day Christmas has come early😂
I just remembered that I normally do qotc but have been forgetting😑
So qotc: what's your favourite subject at school?💗
Mines drama🙈

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