Chapter 29 - Sweethearts

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Katy's POV
As we travelled on our way to the penultimate signing I was in a great mood from the cute text from Leo I got this morning. As I stared out of the window at the world whirling past I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I turned around to see Leo staring at me. I smiled at him and he laughed slightly. We were having a bit of a moment until Charlie interrupted us.
"Do you guys want to go ice skating after the signing?" He asked.
"Sure," I shrugged. "But just a warning I used to be like a pro"
"Really?" Leo asked sounding slightly surprised.
"Nope spent most of my time on my ass," I laughed. "But then Caitlin taught me how to properly skate and meh I'm mediocre,"

After the signing we went straight to the ice skating rink. We payed then went and got some ice skates. I put them on then stood up feeling very unbalanced. I straightened the white with a black pattern bobble hat that was on my head. As I waited for Leo and Charlie I put on a pair of white gloves and pulled at the sleeves of my grey jumper a bit to try and feel warmer.

To begin with I was very unbalanced on the ice and started practically hugging the side for support. After a few minutes I started to gain more confidence and could skate properly. Charlie and Leo were still a bit shaky so I did a lap of the ice rink to test my confidence before rejoining with them.

"How are you doing?" I asked while spinning about.
"Okay," Leo replied. "I thought you said you were just mediocre?"
"I am," I replied.
"No you're not," Charlie laughed.
"I am compared to Caitlin," I smiled. "Anyway come on," I grabbed both of their hands and dragged them through the middle with me. Neither of them liked that. When I stopped by the edge again they both looked relieved.
"Do you not trust me?" I asked staring a them both.
"I do," Leo smiled. I turned to look at Charlie.
"I guess," he replied.
"Great," I smiled. "Now trust me. Once you start skating you'll get better. And if you fall you get back up and learn from your mistake. Every time you fall you get better. But you've got to get yourself out there first to learn and get better,"
"Alright miss pep talk," Charlie laughed. I smiled then grabbed them both by the hand and dragged them out towards the middle again.

As we skated round the middle everything was fine. But then Leo lost his balance. He dragged me down with him as he fell. While we were falling I quickly let go of Charlie to stop him from falling as well. Leo and I ended up in a heap on the ice. I started laughing before getting myself and Leo up.
"Are you okay Katy?" he asked once we were stood up.
"Yeah that was funny," I smiled.

Ice skating was loads of fun. I don't think I had ever laughed that much in my life. Spending time with Leo and Charlie was always funny. As I was taking off my ice skates and messing around with Leo an old lady came up to us.
"You two are very cute sweethearts," she smiled at us both.
"Thank you," I blushed.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been really busy with school😶
Also sorry this chapter was crap I promise to make the next chapter better😊
I'm getting back into writing this story now and there are only 7 chapters left😥
But there will be a sequel😉
Also I changed the cover and now it looks v v tumblr😂

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