Chapter 4 - Falling

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Katy's POV

When the day finally ended I started walking home. I heard someone call my name and I turned to see Leondre. He ran to catch up with me. "Hey, how are you?" Leo asked. "Hey, fine you?" I replied. He could probably tell that I wasn't fine. I didn't exactly pretend not to be. "I'm good but you're clearly not" he replied. We started walking in silence. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes. If I smoked one now I would only have four left. But I pulled one out and lit it. "That a bad a day?" he asked. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "You said that you only smoke when you are really stressed" he replied. I couldn't believe that he had remembered that I had said that. I hadn't even remembered telling him that! "What happened then?" he asked. "We'll I got sent to see the head teacher, threatened, made some new enemies and got set loads of homework!" I exclaimed. "That does sound like a bad day" he agreed. I threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. "Do you want to come round mine for a bit?" he asked nervously. "Beats being at home" I replied while spraying myself with perfume to get did of the smell of cigarettes. I then pulled out my breath spray to get rid of the smell.

Before I knew it we were at Leo's house. He opened the door and walked in with me following. I followed Leo as he walked through to the living room where his mum Victoria and brother Joey were sat. "Ooh mam, Leo's brought a girl home" Joey laughed. Leo's cheeks started going red. "This is my friend Katy," Leo introduced. "She's Jenny and James from next door's niece" I smiled at them both. "Hi I'm Victoria" Leo's mum introduced. "And I'm Joey" Joey introduced. "Hi" I smiled. "Do you want to go and shoot some hoops in the garden?" Leo asked. "Sure" I simply replied. With that I followed him out to his garden.

Leo's POV

I discovered while we were shooting hoops that Katy is very skilled at basketball. We had a lot of fun. Before we knew it, it was very late. Mam came out to speak to us. "Leo dinner is ready. You're welcome to stay for dinner if you want Katy, your Aunt said that it's fine" I looked across to Katy. "Yeah okay" she said politely. We went and sat at the table. Katy sat next to me with mam and Joey sat opposite. Tilly wasn't here because she was at her best friend Trinity's house. We all made conversation as we ate. When we finished eating, I took Katy up to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and she just stood there awkwardly. "Do you want to play 21 questions?" I asked since I didn't know much about her. "Way to be original. Let's actually be original and play 18 questions instead" she replied. So we played 18 questions until she had to go home. I walked her out and made plans to walk to school with her again tomorrow.

Once Katy had gone I went and sat in the living room where Joey and mam were sat. "So is she your new girlfriend?" Joey asked trying to annoy me. "No she's just a friend" I insisted. "But you like her" teased Joey. I could feel my cheeks blushing. The worst part is that he is right. I would be lying to myself if I said that I didn't. "I don't!" I replied defensively. "You do! You like Katy, you like Katy!" teased Joey. He kept annoying me so I just walked out the living room and went up to my room.

Katy's POV

After I had left Leo's I went back home. I sat up in my room and started to facetime Caitlin. She answered straight away.

K- Hey Cait how are you?

C- Hey K I'm good you?

K- I'm alright what have you been up to?

C- Ugh not much I'm so bored without you

K- Ugh I have been feeling exactly the same

C- Sooo how come you didn't call me earlier?

K- Oh I was at my friend Leondre's house

C- Friend or more than friend?

K- Just friend!

C- For now eh?

K- No, forever eh?

C- No but you want to be more than friends, eh?

K- Neh.

C- You sure?

K- Eh.

C- I don't believe you, eh!

K- Well it's the truth. Eh?

C- Eh.

K- Maybe eh will be our always

C- Haha, quoting the fault in our stars are we? Wales has really changed you!

K- Haha, I know right

C- Its getting late I should go now, I've got school tomorrow.

K- Okay speak to you tomorrow, love ooo, bye!

C- Love ooo, bye!

With that we ended our facetime. I took my extensions out of my hair and put them on my bedside table. I out my hair up into a messy bun. I removed my makeup then went and brushed my teeth. I then chucked on some pyjamas. I put my phone on charge then climbed into bed. I pulled the covers right up over me. It didn't take very long until I was in a deep sleep.

That night there was only one thing that filled my dreams.


Katy's starting to like Leondre! Do you ship Keondre?
If anyone can think off any better ship names please comment them because Keondre isn't the best :(
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