Chapter 17 - Friendship Forever

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Katy's POV
As I walked into the exit of the airport I saw Caitlin waiting for me. She was holding a sign that said "My favourite unwanted sister Katy" (you know like taxi drivers at airports do). I ran to her and engulfed her in a huge hug.
"Caitlinnn!" I shouted as we stumbled about.
"Katy I missed you so much!" she exclaimed. I looked at her sign again and hit her.
"Unwanted?" I asked pretending to be angry.
"You don't choose your sisters," she explained smiling. "Now come on my mum is waiting!"

It was so good to be back in Ireland. And to be back in Dublin was incredible. As we pulled up in Caitlin's drive way I felt at home. I had missed everyone so much. Caitlin literally dragged me into the house and up to her room.
"So updates?" she demanded.
"I've got 5 new best friends," I started. "Hailey, Lola, Izzy, Georgina and Regina. They're really good friends,"
"I'm glad you've found good friends," she smiled. "So Leondre?"
"I broke up with him,"
"When?" she exclaimed.
"A few weeks ago," I told her. She started to frown. "No it's not because of what you're thinking. And you can say it." I answered her thoughts.
"I wasn't thinking that," she argued.
"Whatever," I shrugged.

The week went quickly and was spent having fun with my old friends Ayesha, Amy, Tom and Sam as well as Caitlin. Before I knew it, it was the day of the Easter party and I was so excited. I felt so happy that nothing could bring me down. But boy I came crashing down with a bang.

Caitlin's POV
I woke up early on the day of the party. Katy was still asleep so I quietly went downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Good morning," she chirped.
"Morning," I smiled while getting myself some toast. As I was putting the bread in the toaster the newspaper title caught my eye. I read the title and couldn't believe it.
"Mum we have a problem," I announced solemnly.
"What?" she asked turning around to look at me. I held up the newspaper to show her.
"Tony O'Brien released from prison," she read aloud. The words sunk in and her face dropped. "Uh oh!" I threw the newspaper in the bin.
"Katy cannot find out!" I exclaimed.
"Well duh," my mum replied.
"Make sure that no one at the party speaks about it," I told her. "After everything that's happened recently this will just break her!"

Katy's POV
I woke up to find that Caitlin was no longer in her room. I got up and wandered downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Fiona, Caitlin's mum, putting decorations around the kitchen.
"Good morning Katy," she chirped. "Caitlin is in the living room. Would you like some toast?"
"I can make it," I told her. As I made some toast she started chatting away to me about the party. Fiona is so lovely and friendly. She's always kind to everyone and I don't know anyone who dislikes her. Once I finished making my toast I went to find Caitlin in the living room.

After helping Fiona set up for the party, Caitlin and I went to get ready. I got changed into a white flowy halter neck dress with sequin detail. I then did my usual amounts of makeup and put in my blue extensions before loosely curling my hair. I decided to wear a light pink lipstick for a change. Caitlin wore a light pink dress with one strap that had flowers on it. She straightened her long blonde hair and wore bunny ears in it.

As the party was in full swing, Caitlin, Ayesha, Amy, Tom, Sam and I were sat in the garden chatting.
"I'm glad you haven't forgotten about us," Ayesha smiled.
"I'm glad you haven't forgotten about me!" I laughed. "But we'll be friends forever no matter how far away we are,"
"Aw cute," Amy laughed.
"I'm surprised that you're so happy considering," Tom told me.
"Considering what?" I asked confused.
"Considering, OW!" Caitlin shut Tom up by hitting him.
"She doesn't know," Sam whispered not so quietly.
"I don't know what?" I asked. They all sat quietly for a moment.
"Tony O'Brien as been released," Caitlin quietly told me. I could feel my world ripping apart.
"When?" I managed to croak out.
"Today," Ayesha answered. My body felt numb. And suddenly I was in the toilet throwing up.

I sat on the bathroom floor crying. Caitlin tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.
"Oh honey," Fiona frowned. I looked up to see her in the door way. "I know it hurts but you will get through this. You need to get out there and hold your head up high. Prove that he won't get you down." I let her words whirl around my head. Then I got up and dried my eyes.
"Come on K," Caitlin smiled holding her hand out for me. I took her hand and went back to the party.

The next morning was my penultimate day in Dublin. Caitlin and I sat in the living room eating pancakes and talking.
"Do you still love Leondre?" she asked.
"I never stopped," I replied.
"Then why did you break up with him?"
"It was because of everything," I admitted. "It's been 3 years but I'll never forget. It will always haunt me. This year it's left my emotions all over the place. I've been angry and upset but most of all confused. And I'm ready to tell my new friends,"
"You've changed so much," Caitlin smiled. "For the better. You've learnt how to control your emotions. You've matured and stopped doing stupid things for attention. You're so much more confident. These new friends of yours are definitely keepers!"
"I miss having you around," I sighed.
"But look at you," Caitlin smiled. "You don't need me. You don't need anyone. You've become so independent and I know that your parents are proud of you. I'm proud of you." I pulled her into a tearful hug. She will always be my sister. No one could ever replace her.

I've updated👏
I'm going to start doing QOTC (question of the chapter)❤️
So QOTC- where are you from💞
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