Chapter 5 - Sleepover

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Katy's POV

Friday came along very quickly. I was so excited for my sleepover with Hailey, Georgina, Regina, Lola and Izzy. The school day dragged, which was so typical. At the end of the day I met all of the girls at the school gates. We caught the bus to town so that we could get stuff for the night. We went into the big Tescos and went down to the sweets aisle. We basically filled our whole basket with food. Our basket consisted of snacks, movies, drinks, plastic plates and cups, cocktail umbrellas and magazines. Once we had played for all of our stuff, we got the bus back to my house.

My Aunt and Uncle were out for the weekend so it was just us at home. They had asked Victoria, Leo's mum/ my next door neighbour, to check in on my throughout the weekend though. We decided that we were going to sleep in the living room so we took brought two double mattresses downstairs and put them in the living room. We set up sleeping bags and pillows then emptied all of the of the food into bowls. We spread the bowls about the room. Then we poured drinks into the plastic cups and put the cocktail umbrellas in them.

Once we were all set up we sat in a circle on the mattresses. "Let's play truth or dare" suggested Regina. We all agreed. I was the last to go. Everyone else had done dare so I thought that I would do a truth. "Truth" I said before they had a chance to ask me. They sat in thought for a moment. "Ooh I know. How do you really feel about Leo?" squealed Georgina. "Well, honestly he seems alright and I think that we will be good friends." I replied. I was being honest just I had left out some parts about my feelings. "So no being more than friends?" questioned Izzy sounding disappointed. "Well I haven't known him long enough to be able to have feelings like that about him" I replied. That was kind of lie. They all looked really disappointed.

We continued to play truth or dare for an hour before we got bored. Then we started playing loud music and dancing around like idiots. While rocking out to our music we started filling our snapchat stories with funny videos and photos. While we had our music playing loudly there was a knock at the door. I quickly paused the song that was playing, which happened to be anaconda. I ran to the door with Hailey and Regina following, while Izzy, Georgina and Lola were making drinks. I opened the door to see Victoria standing there. "Hi" I greeted politely. "Hi. I'm just coming to check that everything is alright. Are you all okay?" Victoria asked. "Everything is great and we're all fine" I smiled politely. "Okay I'm glad everything is alright. If you need new I'm just next door and you've got my number. I'll come and check on you in the morning." Victoria replied. "Okay see you tomorrow" I smiled as she walked back down the pathway. I closed the door behind her then locked it.

After a while we all decided that it was time to put on a movie. We sat with a selection of different movies in front of us. We all went round in a circle and said what movie we wanted to watch. "What about frozen?" Izzy suggested. "Yeah I'm up for frozen" agreed Georgina. "I want to watch let's be cops!" exclaimed Regina. "Yeah let's be cops looks really good" agreed Hailey. "I think we should watch the purge anarchy" I suggested. "I don't really care what we watch. I'm fine with those three" Lola shrugged. So we had decided on our movies.

Before we put on our first movie, which was going to be frozen, we all went upstairs and got into our pyjamas. We also all took our make up off and put our hair up. I took my blue extensions out and they all stared at me. "Wait your blue highlights are extensions?" asked Lola. "Yeah, I couldn't find a nice enough blue hair dye so I bought extensions instead" I explained. "You can't even tell that they're extensions!" exclaimed Hailey. I just laughed. We then all went back into the living room. We filled our plates high with food then set up the movie. We all sang along loudly to the songs. When the movie ended it was only 10pm so we put the second movie on, which we decided would be let's be cops. The movie was hilarious. We barely stopped laughing.

After let's be cops finished we put the purge anarchy on even though it was really late. Before we even put the purge anarchy on Izzy was already asleep. About ten minutes into the movie, my phone vibrated. I looked to see that I had a message from Leo. (L- Leo K- Katy)

L- Evening princess, are you still awake? x

K- Yeah we're currently watching the purge anarchy x

L- If you get scared I can come and give you a hug ;) x

K- Haha, was that your attempt at flirting? And I don't get scared x

L- Yeah kinda, and well if you do I'm here x

K- Umm okay? Omg I just realised that everyone else is now asleep lol x

L- Well I'll leave you to sleep now, goodnight princess xx

K- Goodnight x

I locked my phone then carefully and silently put it on charge. I then led back down and got comfy under a sleeping bag. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and soon I had drifted off to sleep.

Early the next morning, I woke to my alarm going off. I say early but it was 11am. I sat up rubbing my eyes and then reached for my phone to turn the alarm off. By the time I had turned the alarm off, everyone was sat up awake. We went into the kitchen and started making pancakes. We all took in turns to flip the pancakes. That ended disastrously. The only person who could actually flip pancakes was Georgina. The rest of us ended up with our pancakes on the floor and I even managed to get mine on the ceiling! So we ended up having to make another batch and just let Georgina flip them. The pancakes were delicious though. After we finished eating, we all went and started getting ready. After about an hour we were all ready. Then everyone started getting picked up (always the saddest part of sleepovers). Izzy was the first to leave shortly followed by Regina. Lola was then the next to leave. While we waited for Hailey's mum to come and get Hailey and Georgina, we started taking the mattresses upstairs and cleared the living room. As we were just finishing clearing the living room, Hailey's mum cane to get Hailey and Georgina. We said our goodbyes then they left. Then it was just me. I started playing my music, then finished tidying up.

I hope you all enjoyed this part.
Leo will be in the next one more.
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