Chapter 24 - The Issue

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Katy's POV
The next week was boring and uneventful. But Leo was acting strange. He seemed on edge. It was like he was hiding something. I felt stupid for being suspicious of him but he was acting weird. I tried to put it to the back of my mind but I couldn't.

As Leo and I sat in his living room watching a movie, I noticed that he was staring at me. He looked as if he was trying to figure out what to say.
"What?" I asked.
"Huh?" he replied snapping out of thought.
"What are you wanting to say?" I questioned.
"Uh nothing," he answered after a moment and went back to watching the TV.

Leo was barely paying attention to the movie. He was too deep in thought. As if preparing what to say.

As the movie ended, Leo turned to look at me.
"Katy there's something I need to tell you," he started. He was about to say more when the door opened and his mam came in.
"How are you both?" she asked as she entered.
"Good," Leo answered.
"Are you staying for tea Katy?" she asked smiling.
"As long as it its okay with you and isn't a problem," I answered politely.
"You're never a problem Katy," she smiled before going into the kitchen. They're kitchen and living room is open plan so we has no space to talk.

We went up to Leo's room. I sat down on the edge of his bed.
"What did you need to tell me?" I asked. Leo sat down next to me.
"So," he started. "Charlie and I are going on tour," he slowly told me.
"Okay," I shrugged.
"Are you fine with it?" he asked surprised.
"Yeah," I nodded. "I mean I signed up for this kind of life by being your girlfriend,"
"You're so supportive," he smiled. He pulled me into a hug then passionately kissed me.

After a few minutes he pulled away from me slightly.
"I think we should tell the Bambinos soon," he told me. I looked at him like he was crazy.
"I don't think I'm ready for that," I told him.
"I hate lying to the Bambinos," he frowned. I leant my head against his shoulder.
"In sorry but I'm not ready for the hate," I told him. "Or the annoying people who suck up in the hopes of me helping them get noticed. Or the ones who like my pictures and never comment but tell their family and friends about how they think I'm a slut and a bitch," (oops the last one is me about Chloe😂)
"I understand," he replied hugging me tightly. Just then his mum shouted us for dinner so we went downstairs.

Tilly was already sat at the table eating dinner.
"Hey Katy," she smiled at me.
"Hey Tilly," I smiled back. I slowly started eating my food. I sat quietly while they all talked.

After dinner Leo and I went upstairs.
"I think you should come on the tour with us," he told me. I looked at him as if he was insane. "It's only for a week in the half term. But I'd miss you too much,"
"It's for a week Leo," I told him. "I think you can survive without me,"
"No please come," he begged.
"I'll FaceTime you every day," I told him.
"But I can't hug you over FaceTime," he frowned.
"I'll give you hugs before you leave and when you come back," I smiled. Leo pulled me into a big hug.
"I love you," he told me.
"I love you too," I spoke into his shoulder.
"I'll miss you loads,"
"You'll be having too much fun to miss me," I told him. "But I will miss you tonnes," We pulled away from the hug and shared a passionate kiss.

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in ages😔
But school is an everyday thing now and I'm getting loads of homework😩
I'll try to start updating more frequently but no promises because I'm terrible at updating💗😂

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