Chapter 30 - BFFs or BF

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Katy's POV
I was actually extremely glad when I was back at home and not on the tour bus. I just missed the sense of comfort that being in familiar surroundings has. I had felt so exhausted from all of the traveling, even if it was just for a week.

I slowly walked to school with Leo. I was surprised that I hadn't started to get annoyed by him due to spending so much time together. But I felt as if he could never annoy me. We laughed and smiled the whole way to school. The best part about being with Leo was that we never ran out of conversation and never found a single moment awkward. We got to school a little late and had to go straight to class.

At break, I took a seat in the cafeteria in between Hailey and Regina.
"Hey guys," I smiled as I sat down. Everyone went quiet for a moment.
"Hey did you have fun?" Hailey asked while hugging me from the side.
"Yeah it was great," I beamed. "How were all your holidays?" I got mumbled goods before Regina broke the silence by excitedly talking about everything that happened to her over the holidays.

I could feel that tensions were running high between everyone. They were all acting really cold towards me. I tried to ignore it but I could feel the thought swirling angrily around my head.
"Do you have something against me or something?" I asked suddenly no longer able to stay silent. They all sat silently and quietly for a moment. I could feel my stomach churning at the thought that there was something wrong. Bad thoughts consumed my brain.
"Just tell me what it is," I whispered quietly.
"You haven't spent time with us in ages" Lola told me.
"I was only gone a week," I replied confused.
"It's not that you always spend your time with Leo," Georgina frowned. "And when you're with us you're always texting him!"
"What are you saying? That I need to stop spending time with Leo? That I need to choose between you?" I asked angrily.
"Yes! You do need to choose!" Lola fired back. I was shocked that they would do this. I grabbed my bag and started to walk away.
"Katy where are you going?" Hailey called after me.
"Somewhere where I am wanted!" I shouted in response.

I was barely out of the door when the bell for lesson went. I sighed and started walking to my drama class. When I got into drama I looked about the classroom trying to find someone I could go and speak to. I was on friendly basis with most people in my drama class but figuring out who I wanted to spend time with was difficult. I ended up walking over to Megan and Grace. I was quite good friends with them both.

I started a conversation with them and we had a bit of a laugh before the lesson properly started. When the lesson started our teacher put us into groups for our assessment work. I was put into a group with Hailey, Megan, David and Nathan. David and Nathan are two popular boys in our year who are just complete fuckboys. (Let's have a moment for the fact that there is finally a word for guys after all of these years of insulting girls)
"Katy I'm sorry about what happened at break," Hailey frowned.
"Forget about it," I sighed.
"I didn't want that to happen," she frowned. "To be honest you are a much better friend to me than the others. You didn't deserve to be made to feel like that. I want you to know that I've always got your back,"
"Thank you Hailey," I smiled pulling her into a hug.

At break I went to a quiet classroom with Hailey, Megan, Grace and two other girls named Poppy and Chloe. The girls were a lot of fun and I enjoyed spending time with them. As I spent time with them I realised that I hadn't been having fun with the other girls recently. I had felt bored and unhappy with them. They were good friends but sometimes they made me feel like I didn't matter. I felt like they didn't care. And I could feel the unhappiness building up in me. But I've realised that you don't have to stay will people that make you feel like that. You don't have to feel stuck being unhappy. You shouldn't worry about leaving someone who enjoys hurting you. You can end toxic relationships. And you shouldn't feel bad about it.

Wow I will accept the award for worst author, I am so sorry for not updating in so long😶
Writers block sucks and hopefully I'll stop giving you crappy chapters now😶
Also the last part is from personal experience, I had a friend who used to basically enjoy pushing me out and making me feel like shit but I stuck with her for months because I didn't want to just walk away from the amazing friendship we once had. But if someone puts you down don't put up with it. Remember that you deserve better than that and that you can have better than that. Ilyasm and if you ever need help, advice or someone to talk to you can message me😊💕
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