5|The Hours to Come

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Nick calmed Sasha and got all the horses out of the rink while Janaé called 911. The other kids were panicking just as much or more than Janet. After ten minutes an ambulance arrived and took Beaunna, Janet by her side, to the hospital.

3:25 pm
-Hospital Waiting Room-
"Janet is there anyone you'd like me to call I don't want you to be here alone..." Janet nervously plays with her fingers; too far in her thoughts to hear Janaé.

Janaé holds Janet's hands, catching her attention. "Honey I'm sure she's going to be okay but I need you to come back to right now for her okay? Can I call somebody for you?"

"Thanks but I'll call them again myself." Janet walked out into the courtyard and called Gil.

"Hello?" He answered on the second ring.

Janet hesitates. "Hey, Gil."

"Jan is everything okay?"

"No it's not okay can you come to the hospital? I need you..." Her voice breaks.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be there in like 15 minutes, I'm coming sweetie."

"Okay." She hung up.

Janet tried calling Jermaine but he must've been in a meeting so she left another message and went back inside.

Janet looks at the kids. "Janaé, you should take them home..."

"The kids and I will stay with you until somebody gets here. I told Angie what happened and that I'd bring Josie home so don't worry about it."

"I wonder what's taking so long..." She murmurs.

Gil comes into the waiting room. Seeing Janet, he hurries over to her and gives her a hug. "Jan what happened? Where's Baby Bee?"

Janet steps back and looks at him. "Sh..she was riding Sasha and I guess she spooked and took off and Breaunna fell and hit her head. We got here like two hours ago...I have no idea what's going on. Jermaine still hasn't called me back...I want to call mother but I don't have any news yet..."

An ER Doctor comes out and Janet hurried over toward her with Gil and Janaé in tow.

"Breaunna Jackson," Janet whispered as Gil puts his arm around her waist.

"Are you her next of kin?"

Nodding, "I'm her mother, Janet."

"My name is Dr. Brooks, your daughter is stable, but in critical condition." Janet's knees buckle beneath her. Luckily, Gil was behind her to hold her up. "Since she hit her head when she fell and suffered a severe contusion to the head we've induced a coma to monitor the swelling we saw on the MRI. This is just standard procedure in these cases. For now, we just have to wait and see."

"What's the prognosis?" Janaé asks the doctor.

"Well that's hard to say, she could make a full recovery but it's in God's hands now."

"How long will you keep her in a coma?" Gil asks.

"Usually seventy-two to ninety-six hours but that depends on the response of her brain."

"Can I see her?" Janet questions finally finding her voice.

"Yes, you should be able to see her in about half an hour. She's being taken to the Pediatric ICU on the fifth floor, room 143."

"Thank you, Doctor." Dr. Brooks nods, turns and leaves. Gil turns to Janet. "Sit down." He walks Janet to a chair.

"Gil, this is Janaé Ashton, she's Tyler's mother. Janaé this is my friend Gil Duldulao."

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