15|Good Dad Bad Dad

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"I guess... Enjoy." Janet says and starts to walk away.

Rene grabs her wrist and yanks her back shoving her into the wall. "Did you really think I'd never come back?! You should've done what I told you to do..."

"It doesn't really matter now! Why did you come looking for us?"

"I said you'd regret it and I meant it."

"In case you haven't realized it I'm not afraid of you." She says getting in his face. "And if you DARE touch her you," she pokes his chest. "gon' come up missing."

"Bitch. Is that a threat?"

"That... That is a promise." She says with venom in her voice and walks away.

Janet went back to the table and Breaunna was almost done with her ice cream.

"Are you okay?" Jermaine asks concerned.

"Yeah, we thought you flushed yourself, mommy!" Breaunna giggles.

"Very funny. I'm fine I just ran into somebody is all... Finish your dessert sweetheart."

After Breaunna finished her ice cream they left Chez Angelique. Janet had an uneasy feeling about the whole Rene situation and didn't know whether or not she should tell Jermaine about it. They went home, Breaunna out on her pajamas and they all settled down to watch Matilda. Matilda was one of Breaunna's favorite movies. Breaunna came downstairs with Lannie and the blanket Gil and Marcus bought for her and got comfortable on the floor. Janet put in the DVD and Jermaine got comfy on one end of the couch waiting for Janet to come sit next to him.

"Mommy, can we have popcorn?"

"Are you going eat it?"

Nodding enthusiastically, "Uh-hunh."

"I'll just make a little one for you."

"Thank you, mommy."

Janet goes to the pantry and grabs a bag of popcorn. While she waits for the microwave to ding, signaling the popcorn is ready, she gets a text message from an unknown number. The message read: You sure are one HELL of a secret keeper. -GoldSilence

Just as Janet was about to respond to the message the microwave beeped. Putting her phone in her pocket and grabbing a bowl, she eventually forgot about the strange message. She poured the popcorn into the bowl, grabbed a drink for everybody, placed everything on a tray and took it out to the living room.


As the movie ended Janet slowly realized Breaunna's intention.

"Can we watch The Wizard of Oz? Please." She begs giving Jermaine the puppy dog eyes-knowing what she was doing.

"I gu-" Jermaine starts but is cut off.

"No. You are going to bed little girl it's already 12:30."

"But I'm not sleepy yet!" Breaunna whines.

"Bed. Now." Janet points to the stairs.

Breaunna sighs, "Fine." Picking up her things, "Will you come read to me then?"

"Sure I will go pick a book. I'll be up there in a minute."


Janet turns to Jermaine when Breaunna walks out. "I can't believe you were about to let her watch another movie!"

"Baby, in my defense, she hit me with the eyes!"

"She got you wrapped around her finger. Like putty in her hands and she knows it."

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