25|Trial and Error

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The next week Jermaine had to take a trip back to New York while Janet prepared for court. Their case had been moved up to three days after Jermaine was set to return to Atlanta. Christmas was coming just as quickly as everything else was popping up and she was busy planning her wedding.

Janet and Jermaine had just finally agreed on a date in early June. She still needed a color scheme, location, menus, everything but the cake- she had already decided on the red velvet when she tasted cakes with Jermaine and Breaunna.

Everything that had happened over the last month or so had Janet second-guessing nearly everything in her life. Everything including, but not limited to Jermaine, she planned to have him followed the entire two weeks he'd be gone just to make sure. She really didn't want history to repeat itself and although she didn't think he cheated she needed to be sure.

Zoë and Olivia were doing really well. They never did move into the pool house but they were almost ready to move out. Zoë had turned 18 and Jermaine bought her a car for her birthday. Zoë picked up a few students who wanted private lessons from her classes and Breaunna happened to be one of them.

Ever since Paola fought with Breaunna Peter hasn't been talking to her and that really upset Breaunna. She'd lost two of the three friends she had but she did gain a friend. Jaida had "adopted" Breaunna and Josie and they'd become like sisters.


-2.5 weeks later-
Janet, Jermaine, Breaunna, and Blair walked into court, today was hopefully going to be the last they heard from Rene. Yesterday he claimed to have some evidence to prove that Janet was an unfit parent. The judge wanted to talk to Breaunna as well in order to make the best decision for her. Ever since Jermaine threatened Rene she hadn't run into him anywhere. She barely slept the night before trying to figure out what Rene could possibly use to prove that she was an unfit parent.

As they walked in -Rene, the lady she assumed was his wife and daughter- she heard Breaunna's voice, "Daddy can I play with your phone please?" Rene glanced at them as Jermaine passed her the phone and told her she couldn't play with it when court started. She leaned up against him and played quietly.

"All rise for the Honorable Judge Christie." They all stood up as the judge came in and took his seat. "You may all be seated." The court official said. Everybody took their seats and Breaunna gave Jermaine his phone. Janet and Rene both sat at the table with their attorneys and their families sat right behind them.

The judge briefly looked at the files before he then began proceedings. Rene's attorney, Doris Pindling, began to speak. Most of the things she was saying didn't make any sense. Rene really was searching for a needle in a haystack. He couldn't prove that she wasn't a fit mother. She didn't have a history of domestic violence, she wasn't abusive, she didn't abuse Breaunna and she wasn't convicted of anything.

Coming back from her thoughts she hears, "Just three weeks ago she was out partying and drinking in multiple clubs." She looked over at Rene and he smirks at her with a smug look on his face. How the heck did he know I went to more than one club? We only got spotted leaving one...

Writing on a notepad she slid it over to Blair." He had to be there to know that!" He read the note and nodded his head. "Did you guys see him?" Blair wrote back. "Once, he was going to hit me because I tried to walk away. Jermaine stopped him and I'm sure that he'll try to use that." She slid the paper back over to him; after reading it he folded it and put the paper in his pocket. Janet texted Jermaine so that he'd take Breaunna outside for a while, she didn't want her confused or upset.

That was basically all she said. Blair stood up, "You say, Ms. Jackson went to more than one club that night, the problem here is nobody but you saw her at all but one of these clubs. Are you stalking her? Please enlighten us on how going out one night makes her an unfit parent. If anything you are the unfit parent. You were once married to Ms. Jackson; my client has told me about the abuse she suffered up until the day you left after putting your hands to work. Would you care to explain how she ended up in the hospital?"

Rene dropped his head. "I take that as a no... I'm sure though, you would be delighted to tell the judge here how much you didn't want the baby she was carrying at all. In fact, just a while before filing the paperwork for this case you threated her about not doing what you said and she'd regret it. It seems to me that you are simply trying to make my client's life as miserable as it was when you were a part of it."

Blair turns to Judge Christie. "Judge, he left nearly eight years ago, not wanting this child and he's just now realized -after she's grown up without him and him not trying to get to know her- that he wants her. He is a complete stranger to her and allowing him to come back into her life now may be okay but what happens when he decides he doesn't want her? She's already been through enough and she doesn't want to go anywhere with him."

"Mr. Brown you have made very valid points. I haven't heard anything indicating that Ms. Jackson is unfit but I'd still like to talk to..." looking at paperwork. "Breaunna."


"Hello, young lady. My name is Judge Christie." He looked at Breaunna across from his desk inside his chambers.

"I know, that lady said your name when you came inside before. I'm Breaunna." She smiled at him.

"Do you know why you're here today?"

"'Cause Rene wants to take me away from my mommy."

"Why do you call him Rene if he's your dad?" he asks curiously, also stunned at the little girl's remark.

Shaking her head. "He's not my dad, Jermaine is."

"And who told you that?"

"Nobody. Jermaine does things a daddy should do and he loves me but Rene doesn't. I used to always wish I could meet him on my birthday, you know when you blow out the candles on your cake, but he never came."

"When you say Jermaine does things a daddy should what do you mean?" Placing his arms on top of the desk and sitting straight up.

"He reads to me before bed sometimes, taught me how to ride my bike, he makes me feel better when I'm sad. He says I'm his princess no matter what and he bought me this," touching her ladybug necklace. "So I don't forget."

"Very pretty, I have one more very important question to ask you. Do you want to visit Rene on the weekends?"


"Here's what I want you to do; I'm going to tell your mom and dad and Rene to do something and I need you to promise you'll do it. Okay?"

"Okay, I promise." She nods in affirmation.

"Good. The court officer, that lady over there" pointing at her. "Will take you back to your parents."

"Bye Judge Christie," Breaunna says walking out the door with the court officer.


"All rise." the court officer calls across the room as the Judge comes in.

Everybody stands anxiously awaiting the ruling. "You may take a seat." He waits for everybody's attention before speaking again. "After hearing all parties involved, some of which was irrelevant, I've made a decision. Mr. Elizondo, you are requesting full custody of a child you don't know-even thought she's biologically yours- your request is denied. However, I want you and Ms. Jackson to decide on a day for you all to get together so Breaunna can talk to Rene." Noticing the look one Breaunna's face he adds. "Remember what you promised little one." He says to her. "After that Breaunna gets to say if she wants to continue seeing you. This case is dismissed."

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