7|As We'll Ever Be

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With tears streaming down her face, Janet takes up Breaunna's hand and cradles it against her face. JD runs out to the nurses station to tell them that Breaunna was awake. "Hi, baby girl."

"Mommy, where am I?" Breaunna looks around confused.

"Honey you're in the hospital, you fell off Sasha when you went riding the other day."

"Why are you crying?" Using her hand to wipe Janet's tears away.

"Honey I'm crying because I'm happy that you're okay and you're awake."

"Can I have some water?"

"Princess, we'll ask the nurse if you can have some water when she gets here okay." Breaunna nods at him.

A few minutes later Breaunna's nurse comes in with a jug of ice chips and a cup. "Hello, Breaunna. I'm Callie, you nurse. I thought that maybe you'd be a little thirsty but if you're not that's fine."

"She actually did just ask if she could have some water before you came in..."

"Well let's get you sitting up properly so you won't choke or spill the water down your chest." Callie says bringing the top half of the bed into more of a sitting position "I think that's better." She pours a cup of water and hands it to Breaunna.

"Thank you." She says after taking a sip.

After nearly fifteen minutes Dr. Brooks came up to the PICU to check on Breaunna. After doing all the routine checks she came out in the hall where Janet and JD were waiting to go back into the room. She let them know what was going on with Breaunna and what would be happening in the very near future.

"Well, everything looks really good right now, everything is normal so we should be able to release her very soon. She doesn't remember the accident but that's very normal most times it's just the mind blocking out a terrible memory but if there's anything she would definitely remember or anything she should know and she doesn't know, you should bring her back here. There's one test that I have to order for her and when the results come back and if they come back normal you can take her home."

"So she may be able to come home in a couple days?" Janet asks with hope in her voice.

"The sooner I can get her upstairs I'll be able to tell you if today or tomorrow. Tomorrow, the latest."

"Thank you so much, Dr. Brooks!" Janet beams her mood completely changing-again.

"Let's go tell her! Thanks again!"

"It's really been my pleasure, you're more cooperative than a lot of the other celebrities I've dealt with..."

"I guess some people don't realize how difficult things can be if you think you have the medical degree and the doctor doesn't have a clue. I just wanted you to make my baby better and that's exactly what you did."

"Well, I'm going to get these test ordered so you guys can take her home..." He smiles before walking away.


Breaunna was looking out her glass wall at a little girl and her daddy playing when Callie notices her glassy eyes. When the little girl's dad told her he loved her more than anything, a tear slid down Breaunna's cheek.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"Nothing." She lied, quickly brushing away the fallen tear.

"You're crying so something has to be wrong... You can tell me."

"I just wish my dad loved me like that girl's daddy loves her..."

Confused by Breaunna's statement the nurse says, "But, your dad does love you. He's here every day with your mom..."

"Not Jermaine, I mean my real dad. He..." Taking a breath and wiping her eyes "He doesn't love me."

"I'm sure that's not true, I've only known your for about four days and for at least three of them you were asleep and I love you. It's impossible for him not to love you... Now cheer up cause I'm pretty sure you'll get to go home very soon!"

"Really? I get to go home soon?!" She smiles big and her face brightens.

"When your parents come back we get to find out!"

When Janet and Jermaine get back to Breaunna's room they tell her the good news. She's happy Nurse Callie was right and she was also happy she didn't tell them she'd been crying. As she left Nurse Callie smiled and winked at her and said she'd be back.

The next day Breuanna was able to go home and everybody was happy. Before she left, the nurses and doctors in the PICU threw an "I'm going home" party for her. Josie, Tyler, Peter, and London all came and brought her balloons and they all had some cake. When they were about to leave Breaunna ran back to the nurse's station.

"Ummm, Nurse Callie?"

Callie turns around smiling, "Yes sweetheart?"

"Thank you." Breaunna hugs her tightly around her waist.

Rubbing her hair, "Your welcome."

"Come on Bumble Bee," Janet says walking her over to them. "I'm gonna carry you out cause the paparazzi is crazy out there." As she's picking her up Janet smiles at Nurse Callie, "Thank you."

"You girls ready?"

"As we'll ever be..." Janet says as Breaunna buries her head in the crook of her mother's neck.

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