21|Trouble in Paradise?

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Early the next morning Zoë thought she'd show her appreciation to the people who took her and her baby in by making breakfast. Snooping around the kitchen she eventually found what she needed to whip up something nice. She spread Olivia's play blanket down on the floor so she could see her along with a couple toys to keep her entertained while she cooked. The two had known this routine well because Zoë would always keep her close while she cooked, Olivia got into any and everything as long as nobody was around.

I can't believe THE Janet Jackson friggin took me and Olivia in! Who am I kidding, it's probably only because I went to the hospital with her kid and she feels like she has too. But maybe that's not it... what did she mean yesterday when she told me she could've used a push or someone to tell her what she told me? She couldn't possibly be miserable or anything her life has always been perfect. Ughh! I'll just figure it out later.

Zoë made bacon, pancakes, eggs, and oatmeal, though the oatmeal was mostly for Olivia. She hoped to start looking for a job so she could get on her feet and get an apartment. As she was mixing the pancakes from scratch, Olivia squealed, looking back she noticed Breaunna walking in. 

"Good morning Zoë." She turned to Olivia; in a baby voice, she went to. "Hi, Olivia!" 

"Good morning, Breaunna."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Zoë turns to Breaunna.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 17".

"How come you have a baby?"

"I... I fell in love with somebody and we did grown-up things even though we were only kids and now I have Olivia. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have done that, especially since he left me after."

"Oh. How old is Olivia?"

"She turns two in May."

"My mommy's birthday is in May too! How come your mommy hurt you?" Continuing her barrage of questions.


Jermaine saves Zoë the trouble of answering. "Breaunna, Are you interrogating Zoë?"

"What does that mean?"

"It means you're asking her a lot of questions. I'm sure you are since you always have a million questions to ask." He explains s Zoë mouth a silent thank you to him.

"Where's mommy?"

"Still in bed, do you want to take her ice pack up to her?"

"Okay." She says going to the freezer. "Can I eat with mommy?"

"I'm coming down there baby," Janet yells halfway down the back stairs to the kitchen.

"Since everybody is awake, I made breakfast." 

Making a face at the oatmeal Breaunna asks. "What is that?!" as she points at the bowl.

"It's oatmeal." She's NEVER had or seen oatmeal?! Can you say silver spoon? Zoë thought to herself.

"It's moving!"

"Bumble Bee bring it down to a 2. It's not moving; you don't like it and you never have. You don't have to eat it, okay?" Breaunna nods with a sigh of relief.

Jermaine tells her, "Use your words, princess." 


They have breakfast and get ready for the day. Breaunna gets ready for school; Jermaine and Zoë clean up the kitchen, leaving Janet to entertain Olivia. When Breaunna comes down ready for school she seems a little off.

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