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"Do I have to go? Why can't I just stay here with you and daddy? Why can't we just go home?" Breaunna whined.

"Of course, you have to go to school. I know you miss your old friends Miami but you can make some new friends here and we can still visit your old friends. Now go get your things so we can leave." Janet instructed taking Breanna's bowl and putting it in the dishwasher.

Breaunna sighs and grabs her backpack for school, "Okay. Daddy, are you coming to take me to school too?"

"Of course I am, princess."

"Let's go," Janet says walking toward the front door. As Breaunna walks out the door Jermaine locks up and they all start the drive to Breanna's school. The ride there wasn't very long but none the less the three talked nearly the entire way there.

"Breaunna I know you're probably nervous but that's normal. You're a great kid so you'll be fine and before you know it you're going to have friends. Okay?" Jermaine looks at Breaunna in the rearview mirror, awaiting a response but got none.

"B, he's right, it didn't take long for you to make friends in Miami so it won't be long here either."

Looking at her mother nervously, "But what if they don't like me? Or they just wanna be friends cause you're my mom?"

"You don't have to tell them about your mom right away so you should be okay for a while, but you will have to tell them after a while..."

"I guess so," Smiling at her newfound assurance. "I love you guys!"

"We love you too!" Janet and Jermaine both say in tandem.

"Here we are. Have a great day!" Jermaine said.

"Bye Baby Bee! Have fun!" Janet gave her a kiss. " You remember where everything is right?"

" Yep and I'll try to have fun!" She hugs them both. "See you later I love you." She gets out of the car and runs to the top of the stairs. She turns around and waves at them before going inside to her classroom.

Janet took a deep breath as Breaunna went inside, "I really hope she has a great day she's been miserable the past couple weeks... I hope we made the right decision to move here."

"So do I, baby."

Children sat at tables, mostly with their friends some laughing and others playing around. Breanna on the other had sat on the far end of one table watching everybody else. There were lots of colorful posters and the alphabet sat perfectly lined over the whiteboard. So far her teacher seemed nice and Breanna had noticed her teachers name as soon as she walked in, Mrs. Matthews.

"Breanna Jackson?" Mrs. Matthews asked. She was daydreaming and didn't hear her name. "Is Breanna Jackson here today?" The teacher repeated.

Finally realizing Mrs. Mathews had called her name she put her hand up. "Here."

Smiling the teacher introduced Breanna, "Class this is, Breanna, shes new here. Will you tell us a little about yourself?"

Nervously Breanna stood up, "Okay, my name is Breanna, I'm six and I moved here from Miami with my mom and dad."

Mrs. Matthews asks, "And what's your favorite color?" just as Breanna turned to sit down.

"I have more than one..."

"Okay, then what are they?"

"They're blue, purple, and gold," Breanna replied hoping Mrs. Matthews would allow her to sit down again.

" I like pink too. You can sit down now dear." Breanna happily took her seat once again as Mrs. Matthews continued her morning agenda. "Now class lets go over the rules..."

The rest if the day went very well. Breanna was glad the other kids didn't pick on her but she was a little sad that nobody talked to her. She was happy this school has all the same things as her old one but she still hated it cause nobody wanted to play with her... When school got out she walked out the front doors and to the car where Theo, the driver, is waiting to take her home.

"Hi, Theo!"

Opening the door for her to get in. "Hi Breaunna, how was school?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it wasn't like school in Miami...."

"Make sure you buckle up!" Theo said as he began to pull off. "Well you should focus on the good here and not Miami since you live here now but I'm sure it will get much better." He smiles at her in the rearview mirror.

"I guess so, but I just want things to be normal again... Can I listen to music?"

"You sure can.", Turning the radio to Breanna's favorite station.

The rest of the ride home was quiet except for the music playing and Breaunna humming along.

"Here we are Breanna, come on, let me make sure you get inside."

"Okay! Thank you, Theo." Breaunna waves at Theo and turns around to see Janet in the front door. "Hi, mommy!" She hugs Janet.

Taking Breanna's backpack "Hey sweetie, how was your day?"

"It was okay, I didn't make any friends though..."

"Honey, I'm sure you will, it may just take a while for the other kids to get used to a new person in their class since they already know people. Besides, it's just the first day so you'll be fine. Now go change and wash your hands so you can have a snack."

"Okay, mommy!" She did what she was told before settling down for her snack. Janet helps Breanna do her homework and starts dinner until Jermaine gets home. She'd just turned around to check on the chicken when she heard him come in.

"Hey, baby." Janet greets Jermaine as she shuts the oven door.

"Hey Cheeks." he walks in and kisses her cheek. "How was your day?"

"My day was pretty good, I got a lot of writing done today. Bee didn't have the best day though..."

"What happened?" he leans on the island.

"She loves the school and her teacher but she didn't make any friends. I think she's a little more disappointed than she let on."

"Where is she anyway?"

"She's in her room."

"I'm gonna check on her and then I'll come back help you."

Jermaine goes to Breanna's room and finds her playing FIFA. "Hey Bre!"

Breaunna pauses the game and tells Jermaine all about her day and how she likes school. She told him how Mrs. Matthews made her introduce herself and tell the class her favorite colors and age.

"I was so scared, everybody was looking at me!"

"Did you school like at all?" he asked her.

"Yeah, but the kids aren't very nice, they didn't even talk to me. They all have friends and they don't wanna play with me..."

"Bre, I think they all were excited to see their old friends after summer break, tomorrow is going to be better and I think you're going to have friends before you know it."

"I really hope so," she said going back to her game.

"You're getting really good at this game." he starts to leave and turns around at the door.


Jermaine goes back to the kitchen to help Janet with dinner. They make baked chicken breast, macaroni and cheese and broccoli. When dinner is done they all sit down to eat. Jermaine telling the girls about his day and a party T.I invited them to. Breaunna was really excited cause she loved playing with his children but they lived too far away to go to the same school. In two weeks she'd be able to play with some kids she knew and was comfortable with. When dinner was over Jermaine cleaned the kitchen and Janet got Breaunna ready for bed.

"I love you, mommy."

Janet kissed her forehead, "I love you more my little Bumble Bee. Sweet dreams." Turning off the light and leaving the door cracked.

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