22|Not Again

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Does anybody know who makes good book covers? I need one for a book I wanna start but I'm far too busy to make one myself...

Enough about me enjoy the chapter!

"What?!" Janet grabbed Breaunna and power walked to the car, Zoë trailing silently behind them.

"J!" Jermaine calls after them.

Janet helps Breaunna into the car and closes the door. "Wait! Let me explain." Jermaine says.

"Yes, Jermaine, please explain how you slept with some bitch and you can't even remember?" She opens the door and gets in the car. "Jermaine, do you remember what you promised? I can't do this again..."

The ride home was silent except for Olivia cooing every so often. Zoë sat silent, not sure what to do while Breaunna kept quiet, understanding that Janet was angry. As badly as Breaunna wanted falafels she didn't mention it as Janet drove straight home. Janet let the girls inside; they make a beeline to the kitchen-still hungry from ballet.

Upstairs Janet closed and locked the bedroom door, pulled off her engagement ring tossing it at a picture of her and Jermaine. By the time the ring hit the wall, her eyes poured tears as though they were a water faucet unable to be turned off. Laying down she thought about what happened this time but mostly the last time.


Late night calls, no longer looking in my eyes I KNOW there's something going on. All these excuses, late nights, I'm not sleeping cause he's not here... "Janet we got a little carried away." He said. "She's just a friend." His reply was quick. "I wish you guys the best" she hugged me. His kiss was different tonight, I'm sure of it, it was like he wanted me this time. It happened the next day.

I found James ball-deep in my best friend Lisa, in my bed, in my house. The bitch had her legs up around his waist and was screaming, "Yes, Yes, James, fuck me harder."

James is my fiancé. And Lisa is married to Kenneth, a Ray Stein model.

I froze in the doorway of our bedroom, halted in the middle of pulling my shirt over my head. My skin prickled into goosebumps, and I felt something hard and hot forming in the pit of my stomach.

I've always been a levelheaded person, not given to outbursts or hysterics. I've always tried to do the right thing, the smart thing, the good thing. In that moment though, with James staring at me-eyes wide, frightened- over his sweaty shoulder...

Picking up one of my stiletto shoes I threw it at James, hitting Lisa in the side as James tried to roll off her. She shrieked and toppled off to the side and off the bed, her little titties bouncing as she fell. I picked up the other heel and chucked it at my cheating-bastard fiancée as hard as I could. I nailed him right in the head. Cut open the side of his face, losing a ribbon of blood all across his naked, sweating chest and the clean white sheets.

Right then, after hurling both shoes, I stormed past James into the walk-in closet and dumped armfuls of clothes into the biggest suitcase I could find. I ripped dresses, skirts, and blouses off the hangers, yanked piles of jeans and shorts off the shelves, and stuffed it all uncaring into the suitcase. I was still half naked, now wet with sweat, but I didn't care. James and Lisa were watching me, silent, unbelieving, nonspeaking, James pressing a hand to his gushing face.

I took off my sweaty clothes, only to realize I'd already shut the suitcase with the clothes in it, forcing me to dig for something for me to wear.

No one said a word.

I hauled the heavy suitcase past the shell-shocked cheaters, not looking at either of them, not speaking to them. I grabbed my purse off the couch where I left it, stuffed my charger in my purse, and walked out.

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