26|It's Handled

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About a week after the trial Janet and Rene had agreed through their lawyers to meet for their mandatory visit on a Sunday afternoon. Jermaine was running late getting home from an errand he had to run. Rene was due any minute and Janet was sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. Breaunna sat on the living room floor surrounded by toys, Zoë and Olivia went outside to the tennis court for a little while so they were technically alone.

The doorbell rang and Janet goes to answer it, Breaunna doesn't move. When she opens the door it's Rene, she greets him dryly. "Hi."

"You sound so happy to have me." He says sarcastically as Janet rolls her eyes and steps aside to let Rene in.

He hadn't been there two minutes yet and she wanted him gone. "Follow me." She says closing the door and praying Jermaine got back soon as she led Rene to the living room where Breaunna was playing.

"Breaunna baby, this is Rene."

"I'm your dad," he says overzealously.

Breaunna looks up at him, "No you're not." She says and continues playing with her toys. Janet's eyes widen as she watched Rene's expression change completely. She could already tell this wasn't going to go well especially if Breaunna told him exactly how she feels.

He whipped around to look at her, waiting for her to reprimand Breaunna. She shrugs at him dismissing Breaunna's honesty. "Have a seat." She points to one of the chairs. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Can we have lemonade, mommy? Please?" Breaunna asks with bright eyes.

Janet looks to Rene, waiting for him to either agree with Breaunna or ask for something else. "Lemonade is fine."

When she turns to leave she hears Rene trying to get to know her just a little. "Do you like sports?" She didn't hear Breaunna answer but she shook her head: that was something he should already know. The next thing she heard, before getting to the fridge was Breaunna shouting.

Rushing back to the living room she wonders if her eyes are playing tricks on her. "No!" Breaunna yelled again as Rene sat on the floor trying to play with her toys with her. "That's not what you're 'sposed to do! She goes over there." As Rene did exactly what Breaunna said Janet smiled a little at her bossy child and went back to the kitchen, neither Rene nor Breaunna noticed her.

Maybe this wasn't going to go as badly as she'd imagined. She placed the pitcher of lemonade on the tray with the cup and went back to the unlikely comrades. "You two getting along?" Janet pours the lemonade and passes them the cups.

"Thanks, mommy."

"I guess we are..." Rene looks at Breaunna then at Janet but she's looking at Breaunna as well.

"What's on your mind Bre?" She asks since she stopped playing and got quiet.

Breaunna looks at Rene and goes to sit next to Janet. "How come you don't love me? Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, I guess I just wasn't ready for a baby. I had a lot of growing up to do and I feel like I'm ready to get to know you and be your dad. Maybe I didn't show it but I do love you."

"If you love me so much why do you wanna take me away from mommy?"

"I was scared. I didn't think she would let me see you."

Breaunna looks at Janet for reassurance. "Go ahead baby, its okay."

"I used to wish on all my birthdays and shooting stars that you would come. All except this year... I wished that you wouldn't come because I already have a daddy and he's better to me than you. I wish you'd go back to where you were and forget about me. I hate you!"

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