20|For Her Information

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Floored by this bit of information Janet asks, "Wait a minute... This is Zoë?"

"Yes. What happened to you?" Jermaine looked at a bruised and battered Zoë.

Noticing that Zoë looked like she wanted to take off running again she told Jermaine, never allowing her eyes to leave Zoë's. "Somebody beat her up and she got away... She came here for help because we were the first house she came across with a car in the driveway. Now, do you still want to use the phone?"

"No, can I just leave? I just wanna go home..." She says regretting that she ever knocked on the door in the first place.

"You ran here with your baby Zoë, you felt like you were in danger there, what do you think is going to happen if you go back? Listen, I know it's really difficult to just leave but sometimes you just have to do what's difficult to protect the people you love... If you don't do it for you, do it for Olivia. "

"But I don't have anywhere else to go, I can't just go homeless. I'm a 17-year-old single mother, there's nobody to watch her while I work, I can't afford daycare. I don't have any money, that's why I stayed there. Of course, I don't want Olivia in harm's way! What mother would? If I had another option I'd take it but as of right now... I have to go back."

Thinking on her feet. "How about this, if you go to the police, you and Olivia can stay in our pool house."

"Are you sure?" Zoë looks at Janet with a glint of hope in her eyes.

Janet looks at Jermaine and he nods. "We're sure."

"Okay, I'll tell the police."

"Good. Let's figure out how we're going to do this without causing too much attention for any of us." Janet looks at Jermaine thinking about what they could do.

Jermaine had an idea. "I'll take her to the station and you stay here with Breaunna, don't you have to talk to her about that thing?"

"Fine, I'll do it today." Zoë looks at the two trying to figure out what this big thing was. "When you guys get back dinner will either be on the stove or finished. Before you go can you take the things out for me, if you don't we'll fall over ourselves in this kitchen."

Jermaine nods. "Sure I will; the injured and the short should not rely on each other anyway especially since you're both klutzes... What are you going to make?"

"Chicken Italiano, for my eternally Italian child."

After getting everything Janet and Breaunna wouldn't be able to reach themselves, Jermaine grabbed the car keys and headed for the door. Janet walked with Zoë to the door, as they were about to leave Zoë turned around and looked at Janet. "Miss Jackson?"

"Yes? And please, call me Janet."

"Thank you for helping Olivia and I out, I really appreciate it."

"I'm happy to help, a while back I could've used a push or somebody to tell me about making difficult choices for someone I love but I didn't. I had to figure it out on my own, as long as you'll take my help I'll give it to you." She told Zoë remembering the situations shed been in years ago.

"Just until I'm on my feet," Zoë assures her.

"Maybe even after." Janet smiles lightly at her.

"Thank you!" Zoë squeals hugging Janet.

"Ouch! Be gentle Zoë, I'm sporting bruised ribs..."

Making an apologetic face Zoë says. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, now get going so I can get to work on dinner," Janet says catching her breath a little.

Closing the door behind her, after the pulled out of the driveway Janet checks on Breaunna and her homework. "Baby I'm going to make Chicken Italiano, wanna help me?"

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